The city of Wills Point issued another ordinance reminder to the public earlier this week, clarifying the rules governing the placement of signs on city, TxDOT and/or Union Pacific rights-of-way.
A post on the city’s official Facebook page Oct. 23 reads in part:
“With Highway 80 Sale and numerous events recently, many signs were placed in city, TxDOT, and/or Union Pacific rights-of-way. As described in Chapter 30-8 e) of the General provision below.
These signs are in violation of City Ordinance and were removed today. Code enforcement will strictly enforce all future signs placed in rights-of-way.
“Wills Point City Ordinances - Chapter 30 - SIGNS Sec. 30-8. - General provisions.
“(a) Content. The City does not regulate the content of signs; however, no sign shall contain any obscene, indecent or immoral words, pictures, descriptions or other such matter.