Fly-In event draws crowds to VZCRA
Van Zandt County Regional Airport, the once destitute airport in Wills Point, came alive Saturday as attendees, aircraft, classic vehicles, food, and fun abounded at the annual Fly-In.
The day kicked off with the posting of colors by the Trinity Valley Young Marines, prayer by Doyle Ethridge, and Lloyd David Foster singing the National Anthem. DJ 1 Time, aka Officer Benny Jones, kept the crowd in the groove with music throughout the day. Civil Air Patrol TX 214 served breakfast and lunch while children played on the slide and bounce house.
Unique aircraft flew in and out of the airport all day, with a flour bombing event at noon. Six aircraft competed in the event and Darryl Reynolds was the winner in his Hughes 300.
After being entertained by a Yack in the blue sky, awards were presented. Jon Hicks took home “People’s Choice” award for his Aviat Huskey. Janette Blair was awarded with “Best in Show Car” for her 1931 Teal Willys Knight Rumble Seat Coupe and Johnny Goolsby was awarded with “Best in Show Truck” for his 1988 Green Ford Ranger.
The EDC and Airport Advisory Board wish to thank Boy Scout Troup 381, EAA Chapter 1078 from Tailwind Airpark, and New Release Fellowship Youth Group for assisting all day with the festivities.
This year’s sponsors who gave generously toward the door prize drawings, free airplane and helicopter rides were: Advanced Construction, Aerobic Septic, Big Tex Trailers, Brazos Trailers, City National Bank, Code 1 Flight Training, Community Internet Providers, Hill Insurance, Massey Spraying Service, Reynolds Aviation, Voge Cattle Company and Wills Point Brookshires. The event would not have been a success without their assistance and generosity.
The annual Fly-In is held the second Saturday in October each year and plans are now being made for Oct. 13, 2018.