City issues ordinance reminder regarding signage
The city of Wills Point issued another ordinance reminder to the public earlier this week, clarifying the rules governing the placement of signs on city, TxDOT and/or Union Pacific rights-of-way.
A post on the city’s official Facebook page Oct. 23 reads in part:
“With Highway 80 Sale and numerous events recently, many signs were placed in city, TxDOT, and/or Union Pacific rights-of-way. As described in Chapter 30-8 e) of the General provision below.
These signs are in violation of City Ordinance and were removed today. Code enforcement will strictly enforce all future signs placed in rights-of-way.
“Wills Point City Ordinances - Chapter 30 - SIGNS Sec. 30-8. - General provisions.
“(a) Content. The City does not regulate the content of signs; however, no sign shall contain any obscene, indecent or immoral words, pictures, descriptions or other such matter.