Members of the Wills Point High Class of 1955 were, top row from left, Gerald Don Clemmons, Jerry Burch, Jackie Boyd Davis, Horace Brockman, James Fugate, Billy Wilson, Tommy Lamar, James Ashworth; second row, Joe David Day, Hubert Armstrong, Ashton Armet, Don Stringer, Truman Chitty, Jerry Brookins, Freddy Parker, Charles Willis, Bobby Don Brown; third row, Buzzy Wingo, Alice Waites, Mildred Richardson, Becky Gullett, Shirley Fant, Virginia Huff, Shirley Nell Earnhart, Patsy Alford, Judith Threatt, Judy Powers, front row, John Wayne Ward, Sylvia Wingo, Joyce Gramley, Dorothy York, Wynell Furrh, Mary Florence Allred, Betsy Campbell, Mary Lou Jordan, Linda Adams and Joy Whitaker.