This Week in Wills Point History Friday, Dec. 20, 1968

The traditional White Gift Service will be held at Wills Point School today, Friday Dec. 20. The first service will be held for the elementary school at 8:30 a.m. junior high and high school will participate in the service at 11 a.m. Both services will be held in the junior high auditorium. school will dismiss at 2:30 p.m. for Christmas holidays, Classes will be resumed on Monday morning Jan. 6. Gifts of food, canned goods or other useful items are wrapped in white and brought for distribution later to needy families. The service is symbolic of the bringing of gifts to the Christ child.

Gordon R. Wynne, Jr., Chamber of Commerce president, has announced that four new directors have been elected to serve the organization by recent balloting of members. New directors who will take office at the next meeting are Odie Chitty, Charles Curtis, Truett Mayo and Douglass Lindsey.

Malouf Manufacturing Company is occupying additional space, which was recently added to their Wills Point manufacturing plant to coincide with the 18th anniversary of their business in Wills Point.  Malouf manufacturers women’s clothing, children’s clothing and sports and maternity wear.

The Glen Garner, family of Monroe, Ore. have, moved to Wills Point to make their home. They reside on O’Neal Street next door to the Martin Malone home. The family consists of Mr. and Mrs. Garner, two sons, 18-year-old, Kirk, a senior in Wills Point High School; 15-year-old, Ronnie, a freshman and Julie, 11, and in the sixth grade. Another daughter is married to a serviceman and makes her home in Maryland. They also have two grandchildren. Mr. Garner is operating the Gulf Service Station on East Highway 80. The Garners are natives of Ord, Neb. Mr. Garner is distantly related to the illustrious John Nance Garner.

Amerada Petroleum Corporation, operating out of Longview has logged shows indicating production in sidetrack hole and has set production casing at its No. 1 M.F. Quattlebaum, confirmation to discovery of Tawakoni (Smackover) Field.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Kent announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter Sarah June to Gary Senimore of Dallas. The wedding will be solemnized at 9 o’clock Saturday evening Dec. 28, at the First Christian Church in Terrell. Their friends are invited to the ceremony and the reception following at the fellowship hall of the church.

Mr. and Mrs. Erdie B. Harris, Dallas, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Sunday, Dec. 22 at their home. Their two sons and their families will be hosts. Natives of Wills Point, Erdie and Flora White Harris were married there Dec. 1, 1918. They have lived in Wills Point, Terrell and Childress before moving to Dallas in 1954. They have two sons, James L. Harris of Dallas and Lt. Col. William R. Harris of Fort Riley, Kansas and six grandchildren.

Michael Moorehead, a junior and Emmerson Henderson, a senior have been selected as this week’s “Top Cagers,” because of their performances in two games played Dec. 9 and 10 with Terrell.

Men-Women in Service –Sergeant Curtis E. Graham, son of Mrs. Lillian Graham of Wills Point has arrived for duty at McClellan AFB, California. Sergeant Graham, an administrative specialist, is a member of the Air Force Logistics Command. He previously served at Ubon Royal Thai AFB, Thailand. The sergeant is a graduate of Cartwright High School.

Pfc. Jimmy W. Hall is spending two weeks at home while on a delay enroute to Fort Carson, Colorado. Pfc. Hall was recently released from the hospital where he received treatment for two months for battle fatigue. His wife, the former Sheila Hays, who has resided with her parents during his absence, will accompany him to Fort Carson. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Hurley of Wilmer.

 Specialist Five Phillip M. Eshleman, whose mother Mrs. Jack Jarosh, lives in Wills Point received the Army Commendation Medal on November 18, which he received, while serving with U.S. Army Vietnam Foreign Claims Division.

 The Tiger-Cat – The Wills Point High School Section of the Wills Point Chronicle, edited by the Journalism Department –Senior Silhouettes –Patricia Ann Lyons, an all-around girl who enjoys sewing, singing and listening to records, better known to her friends as Pat. She says her favorite class is homemaking. During her high school years, Pat has taken Homemaking I, II and III. Pat is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.K. Lyons. After graduation Pat plans to attend Henderson County Junior College.

Miss Jan James, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack James, became the bride of Bobby Wilson Cannefax, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cannefax, in a candlelight ceremony Friday evening, Dec. 13, in the First Baptist Church. The double ring ceremony rites were, read by Rev. Donald J. Tisdale, pastor of the church. Miss Jeanie James, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor. David Cannefax of Arlington served his brother as best man. (See newspaper for complete article and picture.)

Sherry Scott, nine-year-old, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Scott, is the first third grader to receive an Eager Beaver Reading Certificate, which was presented by Mrs. Donald Tisdale, third grade reading instructor. Sherry read a total of ten books, one per night. Each of the books, were on a list prescribed by Mrs. Tisdale.

 Today the Wills Pont Junior High is presenting their Christmas program at 10:45 a.m. in the junior high auditorium Charles Chitty, 8th grade president, will introduce the speaker, the minister of the Church of Christ, John H. Featherstone. Mr. Featherstone has moved here from Lubbock. Mr. and Mrs. Featherstone served a two-years missionary assignment in Nigeria, West Africa. They have two children; John Neal, age 15, who is a sophomore, Mari Lyn, age 12, who is a seventh grader. There will be a special program given with special songs, “Away in a Manager” sung by Sharon Dunnington, Lawanda Lyons, Madelyn Howard and Vanessa Thomas. (See newspaper for complete article.)

 A Christmas Pageant was, presented Monday night by the fourth-grade students before the P.T.C.  Eighty-five children were dressed in costumes as Santa Claus, elves, fairies, toy soldiers and many more. Santa had to have help from the fairies to get all the toys together and to fill the stockings.

This issue contains an obituary for Mrs. Lela Phillips, 94.  This issue also contains an obituary for D.W. “Don” Brooks, father of Mrs. T. L. Roberts. (See newspaper for complete obituaries and names of survivors.)