Funds help maintain Vets Memorial
Throughout the year, the VZC Veterans Memorial holds an array of events to raise donations to help fund the memorial.
The first Veterans Memorial Golf Tournament was successful thanks to the sponsors and golfers. The money raised helped engrave and place the 11-foot, 14,000-pound black granite obelisk in the Memorial Plaza.
In 2016, the Veterans Memorial Golf Tournament raised over $20,000 and paid for the remainder of the $74,000 bronze Kneeling Soldier which was dedicated on Veterans Day 2016.
This year, funds raised during the golf tournament will fund the restoration and painting of the Marine Helicopter and the F-4 Phantom Jet, as well as other pieces of equipment. It will also fund a new sidewalk, regular ground maintenance and repairs.
Additional funds will be needed to make unexpected repairs on the obelisk, and the remainder will be saved for emergency needs and Veterans Outreach Projects.
It takes money to help keep our Veterans Memorial in good shape for all to admire and be very proud of by all who stop by to see it. We appreciate your continued support.