Field remains unchanged as deadline nears

Candidate filing for both the local school board and city council elections has slowed to a glacial over the past two weeks, downshifting from five candidates in week one to no new candidates in either of the past two weeks.

Despite recent inactivity, the complexion of races for the position of mayor or councilperson at the city level or board member on the Wills Point ISD Board of Trustees could still change considerably with the Feb. 17 filing deadline looming just over the horizon.

A person must meet several criteria to run, including: being a resident of Texas for one year; a resident of the city of Wills Point for six months to run in the city race or a resident of the Wills Point ISD boundaries for six months to run in the school race; being at least 18 years of age; and being a registered voter at the time of the election.

Candidate packets for the May 6 election cycle are available at the city and school offices respectively.

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