Keeping safety in sight during deer season
The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is reminding the hundreds of thousands of Texas hunters to keep safety in the crosshairs.
“Texas had an all-time low number of incidents last deer season and we want that trend to continue,” says Steve Hall, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s hunter education coordinator. “And the number one safety measure a deer hunter can take is to complete a hunter education training course.”
If you were born on or after Sept. 2, 1971 and this is going to be your first deer season, keep in mind you must be able to show proof of hunter education in the field. If you are under 17 you can hunt without proof if you are accompanied by a licensed hunter 17 years of older who is either certified or exempt (born prior to Sept. 2, 1971). If you are 17 and over and have not completed the course, you can obtain a one-time deferral at a hunting license dealer if you aren’t able to get into a course or take an online-only course in time. Information about hunter education is available online or by calling 512-389-4999.
“In addition to completing hunter education, now is also a good time to make sure all your equipment is up to speed, from your stands to your firearms,” Hall says.