Ables Springs unveils new heliport

Courtesy Photo

Ables Springs, just northwest of Wills Point, held a celebration for the unveiling of the newly constructed Able Springs Fire Rescue heliport.   


Ables Springs Water Company, in conjunction with the newly named Ables Springs Fire Rescue, held a celebration Oct. 29 to unveil the fire rescue’s new heliport.

The heliport, which has been a three-month project made possible with community donations, fundraisers, and county monies, will work together with Careflight providers.

The project was brainstormed by Buddy Man, Peter, Espoeispo, Don Jenson and Jeff Baska. The artwork that adorns the heliport was done Dale Bartal, who used a combination of the Careflight and Ables Springs logos as inspiration.

Festivities for the unveiling included the collection of new and used winter clothes and coats, and a Home and Health Fair complete with bounce houses, costume contest for kids, as well as food and refreshments for attendees.

The collection of clothes will be distributed to the children’s shelter, Kaufman County, the Genesis Center and Terrell State Hospital.

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