District holds first community meeting
The Wills Point ISD held its first of three scheduled informational meetings regarding the Nov. 8 bond election Sept. 13 at the middle school campus, drawing a small group of community members interested in learning more about the measure and its potential impact.
Two other informational meetings are currently on tap for the district, with one planned for Oct. 3 at 7 p.m. at the intermediate school library and at 7 p.m. Oct. 20 at the high school cafeteria.
The Bond
The $42.5 million bond would generate enough revenue to accomplish several district goals, including the construction of a new junior high campus, additions and renovations at the primary campus, renovations at both the intermediate and high school campus and for the construction of a new road between Terrace Drive and Wingo Way to alleviate strains caused by bus traffic.
Passage of the bond would allow for the newly renovated and expanded primary campus to house pre-k through second grade, the intermediate to house 3rd-5th grades, the newly constructed junior high to house 6th-8th grades and the high school to follow its current formula of housing 9th-12th grades.