This week in Wills Point History Friday, March 11, 1960
The 14th annual Future Farmers Livestock and Poultry show will be held at the W.T. Russell Cotton Warehouse on South Fourth Street on Saturday, March 19. The Chamber of Commerce Show Sponsor, has donated $125 as prize money to be presented in silver dollars by Jack Lester, chairman of the agriculture committee. Twenty-seven boys of the chapter have entered 50 of their projects in the show including livestock and poultry.
There is a little labor and lots of flavor in electric skillet cookery, according to Paula Caldwell and Dafamay Sherwood, 4-H members from the Myrtle Springs 4-H Club. These girls have worked up a 15 minute electric team demonstration “Using An Electric Fry Pan.” They plan to give demonstrations to various clubs and civic groups in the county.
The Tiger Cat: Annual elections for Student Council officers and high school cheerleaders will be held next Monday March 14. Richard Shinn, sophomore, has been named a member of the District 15-AA second all-district basketball team. Members of the Tiger Band received four first ratings, six second ratings and two third ratings at the annual Solo and Ensemble Contest held at Pine Tree last Saturday, March 5. Students, receiving first place awards, were David Smith, baritone; Kay Dawson, clarinet; Peggy Deen, clarinet; and Johnice Cotton, clarinet. Musicians who received a second rating on playing a solo were Brent Ballenger, baritone; Cathie Mullins, flute; Jackie Deen, clarinet; and Carolyn Mayfield, trombone.(See newspaper for other awards.)
Girl Scout Troop No. 114 met in the fellowship hall of Russell Memorial Methodist Church on Wednesday afternoon, March 9. Favors were made for the Dad and Daughter party, which will be held tonight, March 11, at 7 o’clock.
Nacogdoches- Dr. Joe N. Gerber, dean of the college, announced this week, Joe Barry Lehecka, freshman student from Wills Point, was one of 171 students to make the B or better honor roll at Stephen F. Austin State College during the fall semester. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lehecka.
Miss Tina Ballow was elected president of the Young People’s Class of the Church of Christ in the election last week. Vice-president is Brent Ballenger; Elaine Malone is secretary-treasurer. Vicki Hodges is the reporter.
Funeral services were held Sunday, March 6, for Mrs. Ada Alice Clemmons who died at her home in Edgewood, Friday night. Rev. Edd Barrett, pastor of the Small Baptist Church, conducted the services from the church. Mrs. Clemmons was born Feb. 28, 1882 in Elmo. She was married to E.L. Clemmons on Feb. 18, 1900 and to this union eight children were born, two preceded her in death. Survivors include her husband, of Edgewood, four daughters, two sons, grandchildren and great grandchildren (See newspaper for names of survivors and complete obituary.)
A.H. Hargrove, resident of Wills Point 70 years, died March 4, at his home. Services were held at the First Baptist Church Saturday afternoon with Rev. Herbert Garrett, pastor, conducting the services. Interment was in White Rose Cemetery. Almer Hope Hargrove was born March 8, 1880, in Upshur County, son of W.T. and Nancy Thomas Hargrove. Survivors include his wife, a daughter, Mrs. C.E. Clayton of Dallas, four sons, including Jorgen Hargrove of Wills Point, one sister, Mrs. Cora Threatt, and one brother, Claude Hargrove, both of Wills Point.(See newspaper for complete obituary and names of other survivors.)
Funeral services for James Dolphus Lee, who died in a Dallas hospital, Friday evening were held Sunday morning, March 6, at the Small Baptist Church. Rev. Edd Barrett, pastor, and Rev. Norvil Jones conducted the services. Burial was in the Small Cemetery. Mr. Lee was born May 4, 1901, in Edgewood, son of Heck and Martha Fisher Lee. He was married to Flossie Shelton, who preceded him in death in 1931. On Jan. 21, 1940 he was married to Minnie Wilson in Canton. One daughter preceded him in death. Survivors include his wife, four daughters, one son, two sisters, one brother, and two grandchildren. (See newspaper for complete obituary and names of survivors.)
Funeral services were held Monday for Lloyd Ford, 79, of Monahans, who died in a hospital there Saturday. Interment was in White Rose Cemetery. Mr. Ford was born Sept. 13, 1881. Survivors include one sister and one half-brother. He was a cousin of Miss Allye Smith. (See newspaper for complete obituary.)
Last rites were held Thursday, March 3 in Wichita Falls, for Mrs. Mary C. Hindman, sister of Mrs. Lawrence Gready. Mrs. Hindman, a retired-school teacher, died Tuesday, Mar. 1. She was born in Terrell and was a resident of Kaufman until moving to Wichita Falls in 1923. (See newspaper for complete obituary.)
Interment was held at White Rose Cemetery Tuesday afternoon, for Chief Aviation Electronics Technician Victor Dale Fugate, who was killed in the mid-air collision of a Navy R6D and Brazillian airliner on Feb. 25. Memorial services were held at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station Chapel. (See newspaper for names of survivors and compete obituary.)
Final rites for Pleas Trink Thomas, who was born July 3, 1885, in Terrell, son of W.G. and Sally Kimbrough Thomas, were conducted Wednesday, March 9 at White Rose Cemetery. Mr. Thomas, a resident of Wills Point, the past 50 years, died Tuesday morning in a Terrell hospital. He was married to Miss Pearl Russell in 1909. Mr. Thomas was a member of the Masonic Lodge, and First Christian Church. Survivors include his wife, one sister, three brothers, including M.K. Thomas of Wills Point. (See newspaper for complete obituary.)
These articles have been extracted from original copies of the Wills Point Chronicle and may be viewed on microfilm at the Van Zandt County Library of Genealogy and Local History, located in the courthouse annex in Canton.