TNT noodles big success, fish with crowds at Holiday Marina

Photo by Larry Briscoe

Kelly Stapp Millsap weighs in the first-place winner Saturday in the women’s division. Tawakoni’s First Lady of Noodling won with a 56.4-pound catfish.

By Larry Briscoe



Huge crowds attended the 2015 version of TNT Tawakoni Noodling Tournament Friday and Saturday.

Almost double the number of fishermen entered this year's tournament over last year with 97 signed up. Organizer Billy Creed said the 2015 version of TNT “was by far the biggest and best TNT thus far.”

“We had almost double the noodlers at 97 and 76 cars at the car show was about eight times better,” Crred said. “Fun was had everywhere.”

TNT is now gearing up for TNT's catfish finale.

“This will be an any-legal means tournament,” Creed said. “So, no matter how you fish — if it’s legal — bring in that fish.”

Preregistration for that tournament has begun and costs $40 until Aug. 30 when the price goes to $50 at the gate.

“This is the tournament where we give away the 4x4 GMC truck,” Creed said, “Good luck and thanks to all who those who made this a success.”

Fifty-one entered last year. Live bands entertained and a variety of vendors kept everyone busy both days. The car show featured dozens of classic and antique vehicles.

Tawakoni’s noodling expert Jimmy Millsap took his typical gentlemanly stance toward Oklahomans Nathan Wayne Williams and Levi Keeton who weighed in the big fish Saturday, tipping the scales at 66.4 pounds.

Millsap could look show mercy to the Oklahomans since he won the Texas-Oklahoma shootout a couple of years ago on their soil, eh, water. And besides, he pointed out the whole thing sets up a showdown here in Texas later.

Millsap’s customary graciousness showed, “Actually, the winner fished with me over the weekend” he said. “His entire family and mine together in the water.”


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