

WPLC hosts scholarship fundraiser

Photo by David Kapitan

Wills Point Ladies Club members Tina Pollege, Amanda Johns, Bertha Potts, Colleen Reaume, Michelle Smith, Connie Peden, Nancy Roberts, Sherry Walker and Holly Lea Hullum posed for a picture following their first Burgers 'n' Games event.

The Wills Point Ladies Club took over the Deen Building in Wills Point on March 25, hosting their first-ever Burgers 'n' Games fundraising event that will help provide scholarships to the next generation of female leaders.

Nearly 100 attendees participated in activities throughout the night, which included a silent auction, as well as a mix of games involving bingo, dice, cards and trivia.

Funds raised by the WPLC will go towards scholarships for Wills Point High School female graduates. Since 2011, the WPLC has presented scholarships totaling $27,800 to deserving WPISD graduates.


Duckworth, Monning named Citizens of the Year

Wills Point Chamber of Commerce Chairman Sherry Moore presented Citizen of the Year honors to both Randi Duckworth and Adelle Monning (represented by son Prater Monning) at the annual Civic Awards Banquet at the Deen Building March 28.

The Wills Point Chamber of Commerce hosted its annual Civic Awards Banquet recognizing the work put in by local individuals, groups and businesses that make a difference in the community March 28 at the Deen Building.

This year’s banquet – themed as the “2017 Spring Fling” was headed up by Bobbi Byford, and included awards presentations from the Wills Point chapter of the Rotary Club, the Wills Point chapter of the Pilot Club, and community awards including Business of the Year, Community Service Organization of the Year, Ambassador of the Year and Citizen of the Year.


Monument restoration fundraiser underway

One of Wills Point’s most recognizable residents celebrated a milestone birthday in June 2016, turning 100 with the help of a giant birthday party on the historic brick streets in downtown.

The Rose Fountain, more commonly referred to as the Rose Monument, was gifted to the city in 1916 by former resident Isaac Edward “Ike” Rose. After more than 100 years as a centerpiece of the Wills Point landscape, members of Keep Wills Point Beautiful and the Wills Point Historical Society are launching an effort for needed repairs to allow future generations to enjoy the monument for another century.

Viki Arnold and Melody Blasingame, both members of KWPB, came before the Wills Point City Council earlier this month to outline plans for repairs to the monument.


Elwood Baptist to celebrate 119th homecoming

The Elwood Baptist Church at 3713 VZ CR 3504 in Wills Point will be celebrating its 119th homecoming at 11 a.m. April 2.

There will be a luncheon following the morning worship service. “Please come and join us to celebrate our 119 years and bring your favorite covered dish. We look forward to seeing you there and invite someone to come with you,” remarked a church spokesperson.


Russell named new WPHS principal

Jeff Russell

Jeff Russell, Wills Point Middle School principal, will become the leader of the High School April 3rd, according to a news release by the district Monday morning. Russell will replace Jeffrey Smith, who Caloss said is leaving for another employment opportunity. 

“We believe Mr. Russell will be a great fit as the principal for our high school,” Superintendent Scott Caloss said. “As the campus principal at the middle school he has shown exemplary leadership skills. He is a wonderful motivator of both students and staff and builds effective relationships with parents and community members. We look forward to his contribution as the instructional leader of the high school campus."

Also, effective immediately, current Wills Point Middle School Assistant Principal Kimberly Calvary, will become the interim principal for the middle school, finishing out the current 2016-‘17 school year.


Meals on Wheels to serve breakfast

After several weeks of successful deliveries, the Meals on Wheels Ministry’s pilot program called Sunrise Senior Servings is officially underway and growing. The breakfast meal program is designed to meet the nutritional needs of the organization’s most nutritionally at-risk clients, and it offers a box of shelf-stable breakfast foods designed to complete seven breakfast meals.

“The boxes contain a combination of non-perishable items like dry cereal, dried fruit, milk and juice that satisfy 1/3 of the Recommended Daily Allowance for the senior population we serve,” said Meals on Wheels Ministry  President and CEO, Mike Powell. “The boxes are delivered weekly, directly to the doors of the homebound elderly and disabled clients we serve. We believe that this program will make a profound impact on the lives of some of our community’s most vulnerable people.”


Join the March for Meals

Meals on Wheels Ministry announced that it will be participating in the national 2016 March for Meals campaign.  On Thursday, March 30, festivities will include a special showing of support by “Community Champions,” both elected officials from the organization’s six county service area as well as local celebrities who have volunteered to deliver meals and help bring awareness to the mission of Meals on Wheels. The month of March mobilizes hundreds of local Meals on Wheels programs across the country to reach out to their communities and build the support that will sustain them all year long.


FFA Showteam excels at Houston Livestock Show

Cody Tucker took first place in Class 9 of the Polled Hereford show at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

The Wills Point FFA Showteam attended the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo over Spring Break 2017 and did very well.

The show began with Deanna Donaldson entering her Angus heifer in the calf scramble show placing third. Following her in the ring the Brangus show began with Ty Salisbury in Class 2 placing eighth.

Tori Goggans then followed with her cow/calf pair in Class 15 placing fourth. Taylor Hooten brought her Shorthorn Plus heifer into the ring in the ORB show placing seventh in Class 8.

In the Polled Hereford show, Grant Malone placed ninth in Class 8 and Cody Tucker had a first-place win in Class 9.


Flag day

The Wills Point Rotary Club held a brief ceremony ahead of their March 16 meeting to put up a new flag outside the community center. The WPRC has served the community for over 76 years through a variety of service projects, including making donations to Head-Start, giving dictionaries to third grade students, distributing box fans and smoke detectors to the less fortunate, replacing and purchasing trashcans downtown, overseeing the upkeep and maintenance of the playground at Lester Park, distributing Felix Massey Education Grants to WPISD teachers for the purchase of instructional materials, and paying for eye-glasses for WPISD students in need. Additionally, the club has also awarded over $30,000 in scholarships to graduating high school seniors to further their education beyond high school. 


Pet of the week

A few months ago we introduced you to our little Alicia, a deaf heeler mix.  She was adopted by a lady in Tyler, but had to come back because she didn't get on well with the other dogs in the family.  So we are trying again.  If you have room in your life and in your heart for this sweet girl, please let us know.  She has lost none of her enthusiastic puppy ways, but now she has learned some American Sign Language!  It would be best for her to be the only dog in the family; she will bond quickly with her humans.   She obeys commands well, and appears to learn very fast.  We will provide the treats.  Please call Alicia's foster parents, Mike or Carol, at 903-479-4040. 


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