​​​​​​​This Week in Wills Point History Friday, Dec. 13, 1968

  The Reapers Sunday School Class of First Baptist Church held a class social on Nov. 25 at the home of Mrs. John Cotten. Mrs. Ed Cavin brought the devotional using a Thanksgiving theme. She also read a poem suited to the season. Bible bingo was played, and plans made for the Christmas party. Refreshments were served to the teacher, Mrs. H.G. Murray and those in attendance.

   The Julius Rogers home on South Fourth Street was the scene of a Saturday evening miscellaneous shower honoring Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rogers, who were married on Nov. 30. The couple opened many beautiful and useful gifts. Refreshments of cake squares, salted nuts and punch were served.

   Rev. Jerry D. Spencer has been called to serve the Myrtle Springs Baptist Church and has begun his work in the new area. The Amarillo native was born in 1939. Attended West Texas State University at Canyon and is presently a senior at North American Theological Seminary at Jacksonville. He is a former pastor of Macedonia Baptist Church, Pittsburg.

  James Harmon and Bruce Tidwell of Tyler have a café building under construction near Interstate Motel on Interstate 20. The cafe will have booths and counter in the front with a large dining area furnished with tables and chairs in the rear section of the building. Construction will be of steel and brick. A February opening date is expected.

   Miss Judy Kay Mitchell of Mineola and Paul Edward Furrh, Jr. will be married on Friday evening, Dec. 20 at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church in Mineola. The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Mitchell of Mineola and her prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Edward Furrh. Mr. Furrh is currently attending the University of Texas at Arlington.  Mr. and Mrs. Edward Furrh of Wills Point are grandparents of Paul Edward, Jr.

  Army Sgt. Douglas Duprree, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. Dupree of Mineola, was listed by the Defense Department on Tuesday as killed in action in the Vietnam war. Sgt. Dupree had been in Vietnam since June 1 and was due to be discharged five months and 20 days from the day he died. He graduated from Mabank High School in 1965. Mr. Dupree was employed on the H.H. Lide ranch near Mabank when the family lived there. They, and Sgt. Dupree, are well known by many Wills Pointers.

  Robert H. Ellis, 65, Mrs. Ernest Clark’s stepfather, died in a Dallas hospital on Dec. 3. Funeral services and interment were at Restland Memorial Park on Dec. 5. (See newspaper for names of other survivors.)

  Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Wallace, former Dallas residents, have moved to the Lane Community north of Edgewood to make their home on the O.J. Runge farm. Mr. Wallace is a native of the Bright Star Community and his wife, the former Norene Brown, was reared at Myrtle Springs. Mr. Wallace is retired from the Manor Bakery in Dallas. Mr. Wallace is a brother to Mrs. Runge, Boyd Wallace of Rocky Point Community, and Houston Wallace of Edgewood. Mrs. Wallace is related to the Shinn families at Myrtle Springs.

  Cradle Roll- Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Mann of Dallas are the parents of a son, Leslie Joel, born on Dec. 11 in a Dallas hospital. Mrs. Mann is the former Gleith James. Grandparents are Mrs. Leslie M. James, Wills Point and Mrs. Edith McAlister, Edgewood.

   The Tiger Cat - The Wills Point High School Section of the Wills Point Chronicle, edited by the Journalism Department - A Christmas Pageant was presented Monday night by the fourth-grade students: Eighty-five children were dressed in costumes as Santa Claus, elves, fairies, dolls, dogs, rabbits, and toy soldiers.  Singing was accompanied by, Mrs. T.C. Coleman. Santa had to have the fairies help him get all the toys together to fill the stockings.

  Senior Silhouettes - Donnie Roberts, sees red, for instance, his taste in girls is “red”. He likes redheads and drives a red Mustang, and waits on his paycheck to get “out of the red.” His check comes from Brookshires where he spends some of his time. Donnie is one of a family of five boys, and though his twin brother is also a senior, they are quite different. Ronnie probably likes blondes.

  Patricia Ann Lyons is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.K. Lyons and they reside on North Wills Street. Pat, an all-around girl, says her favorite subject is homemaking. She has received her Junior Degree in Homemaking II. After graduation, she plans to attend Henderson County Junior College.

  Kathryn Ruth Martin is among students elected officers of pledge classes to the eight national social sororities at North Texas State University. Miss Martin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Martin, Route 3, was elected secretary to Delta Gamma. She is a 1967 graduate of Wills Point High School.

  Letters to Santa Claus - Dear Santa, I have been good this year. Please bring me some hot wheels, a bicycle and lots of cars and trucks. I love you. Mark Foster.

   Dear Santa, I am breaking out with the chicken pox, but I still want you to bring me a Little Joe, his horse, and wagon. Love L.E. Hobbs.

   Dear Santa, I want a five-speed bike and some play money. Love Finny Furrh.

  Dear Santa: I will be five years old the 23 day of December. I have been a pretty good little boy this year. Thank you for the things you brought me last year. This year for Christmas I would like a bicycle, electric train set, talking telephone, gun and holster set, a cowboy hat and a pair of boots. Please remember all the needy children in the world, all my little cousins, my mother, my Aunt Kookie, my grandmothers and grandfathers. Don’t forget my father, who is in Vietnam. I love you. Vincent Asher.

   Dear Santa, This year I am living in the Philippine Islands. Poppy said he would put my letter in the paper for you to read. Please bring me a cowboy holster with two guns. Don’t forget my sister, Shelley. She is just six months old so just bring her a fuzzy animal and some things to chew on, because she has been good too. Merry Christmas. Marty Wilson.