Fifty Years Ago Friday, March 1, 1968 Wills Point Chronicle
March 4 through 8, attention is focused on Texas public schools, as once again it is Public Schools Week in Texas. As parents and citizens, all people in the area are invited to visit the classrooms and see what the teachers and children are doing in the school room. This week-long observance will be highlighted in the local school by open house on Thursday evening, March 7. A chili supper, sponsored by P.T.C. will be held in the cafeteria on the night of open house.
According to information from the office of Superintendent Victor H. Jordan of the Wills Point Schools, three candidates have filed for a place on the school ballot for the forthcoming election for trustees. Incumbents Johnie Malouf and John F. Pratt, Jr., have filed to seek re-election. Truman Sledge has also filed for a place on the ballot for the April 6 election. Members of the board whose term to not expire this year are Jack Deen, president; Dr. R.P. Lane, Mrs. Roy Coomer, secretary; Grady McFarland and Roland Murrey.
Winning the western zone in basketball Wills Point’s Junior High eighth grade Tigers proved to have a successful season.
The following eleven juniors of Wills Point High School took the annual National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test Tuesday, Feb. 27; Peggy Massey, Debbie Murrey, Linda Kennemer, Mike Goggans, Connie Cooksey, Janice Stringer, Randy Robertson, Robert Hindman, David Strawn, Cary Conn, and Herschel LyBrand.
Miss Linda Kinney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Kinney is being sponsored by the Wednesday Book Club as a candidate for Outstanding Girl in the district. The contest, is district-wide, and is sponsored by the Trinity District of Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs.
The Tiger Cat: One of the most athletic boys in high school is Mickey Robertson. He has participated in all sports throughout high school. Mickey was also on the student council his junior year, and served as vice-president of his class during his sophomore year. Mickey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mickey B. Robertson.
Senior Silhouettes: Among the many senior girls stands a 5’2” brown-eyed and brown-haired petite girl named Sherry Lasater. Sherry is the daughter of Mrs. E.L. Davis and Billy E. Lasater. Sherry attended the first and second grades in Middletown, Rhode Island, and began school at Wills Point her third year. During high school, Sherry has been a member of the French Club and FHA. She was vice president of FHA her sophomore and junior years. She also received her junior degree.
Miss Donna Gay Davis became the bride of Jerry Don Beck I an evening ceremony at Elam Baptist Church in Dallas on Monday, Jan. 29. Rev. J.R. Steward performed the ceremony. The bride’s sister, Mrs. Barbara Ann Massie was matron of honor. Serving his nephew as best man was Gordon Mott of Wills Point. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.W. Davis of Dallas. She is a 1966 graduate of H. Grady Spruce High School and is a sophomore at North Texas University, Denton. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Beck of Wills Point. He graduated from Wills Point High School and is a 1967 graduate of NTSU.
Ronnie Turner, so of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Turner, and guest of Olan Thurmon, held a question and answer period on the war at the regular meeting of the Wills Point Rotary Club on Feb. 23. Mr. Turner just back from a year of duty with the Air Force I Vietnam said that the moral of the men was generally high. The following officers were elected for the year beginning on July 1: President, Steve Jones; vice-president, Wilson Read; secretary-treasurer, Jack Shofner. The next meeting will be held on Friday, March 1.
Men, Women in Service: Sp./4 Wayne Lusk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Deward F. Lusk of the Myrtle Springs Community, arrived on Friday of last week at Oakland, Calif. From Vietnam where he has been for the past year. Wayne entered the service in August 1966. He received basic training at Fort Polk, La., and later received training with the paratroops at Fort Benning, Ga. Wayne is married o the former Virginia Grubbs of Garland. After a thirty-day leave with relatives, they will go to Fort Campbell, Kentucky where Wayne will be stationed.
S/Sgt. Philip Williamson is, visiting relatives in Wills Point while on leave from his duties with the armed forces. He is the son of Fred Williamson and Mrs. Floy Williamson of Wills Point. He is married and his wife accompanied him home for the visit. Sgt. Williamson is a veteran of seven years service with the army. He has served in Germany and returned recently from a year in Vietnam. He will be stationed at Fort Hood after his leave.
The Mary Jane Campbell Bible class met Monday night, Feb. 19, with Mrs. Sam Ed Spears. The business session was conducted by Mrs. R.B. Turner, chairman. Miss Edna Gibbard gave a devotional. The lesson from Acts Chapter 24 was taught by Mrs. Laura Adams. During the social hour refreshments were served.
C. Vanus Harris, member of a pioneer Van Zandt County family, died at Baker Clinic-Hospital Monday, Feb. 26. Rev. James Jones and Rev. Ben Pierce conducted funeral services at Russell Memorial Methodist Church on Wednesday. Burial was in Union Grove Cemetery. Mr. Harris was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Amos Harris. He was born in Charlotte, North Carolina on Feb. 14, 1889 and came to Texas at about the age of four with his parents. They settled in the Cedar Grove Community. On Oct. 18, 1911 he was married to Miss Ollie Hargrove. They made their home in the Union Grove Community until 19919 when they moved to Wills Point. Mrs. Harris survives with their two children, Mrs. Thelma Harris Threatt, Arlington, and Thalbert Harris of Tyler. (See newspaper for picture and complete obituary).
Will Johnson, 75, a resident of Edgewood, died in a hospital at Grand Saline Feb. 23. Mr. Johnson was born in Kaufman County, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Johnson. He had resided in the Edgewood and Small communities most of his life. Services were held Sunday at the First Baptist Church in Edgewood under direction of Newman-Eubank Funeral Home and burial in Haven of Memories. Mr. Johnson is survived by his wife, the former Cynthia Reed, one daughter, Mrs. Lillian Barber, three brothers and two sisters. (See newspaper for names of other survivors and complete obituary.)