This Week in Wills Point History Friday, February 16, 1968
Vocational agriculture students in Wills Point High School will join Future Farmers of America members throughout the nation in activities to focus attention on the importance of agriculture during national FFA Week, Feb. 17-24. (See newspaper for complete article.)
Miss Bonnie Jo Rushing, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rushing, Wills Point, has been selected as the Wills Point FFA Sweetheart for the 1967-68 school year. Miss Rushing is a junior student in Wills Point High School and is a member of the French and Speech Clubs. She is also the secretary of the Speech Club. She was one of the top seven FFA Sweethearts in the district contest held in Tyler on Jan. 24. (See newspaper for complete article and picture.
Final plans were made for the annual chamber of commerce banquet at a special session of the board of directors of the Wills Point Chamber of Commerce, Tuesday afternoon. Speaker of the House of Representatives, Ben Barnes will be the principal speaker on Tuesday night Feb. 20. The banquet will begin at 7:30 p.m. The tickets are $2.50 per person, Site of the banquet will be the Wills Point school cafeteria.
The Tigers marked up two Victories in cage competition over the past week. Friday night they romped the Van Vandals 65 to 60 and Tuesday night added Lindale Eagles to their victims 66 to 59.
Bill Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Thomas, Wills Point, made the honor roll at Rice University for the first semester. Thomas graduated from Wills Point High School in 1965 and is now a junior at Rice University and majoring in electronics.
Men, Women in Service: Mr. and Mrs. Don Evans and family spent Saturday and Sunday in Fort Polk, Louisiana, visiting with their son, Ronald D. Evans, who is stationed there while taking his basic training.
Sgt. Ronnie Turner is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston Turner and his little son, Rodney Allen. Sgt. Turner returned Feb. 14 after a year of duty at the air force base in Bien Hoa, Vietnam. He will report for duty at Randolph Air Force Base in San Antonio, after a thirty-six day leave. Among those who met him at Love Field Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Preston Turner and Rodney Larry Turner, Miss Theresa Stowe and Miss Rosemary Ellis.
Fort Worth, Texas -–Bob Brown, formerly of Wills Point, is among six graduates of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary recently selected for inclusion in the 1968 edition of Outstanding Young Men of America. (See newspaper for complete article and picture.)
Billy D. Hullum, realtor and manager of ranch properties, is a candidate for Van Zandt County Judge. He lives at Route 1, Wills Point in the western section of the county. Hullum, 29, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hullum and a member of a pioneer Van Zandt family. He is a graduate of Wills Point High School. Mr. Hullum earned the Bachelor of Business Administration degree at the University of Texas with a major in finance. He is an active in the Russell Memorial Methodist Church, a member of the Texas Farm Bureau, and Van Zandt County Fair Association. Hullum is married to the former Teena Wilson, native of the Palmer Grove Community. The Hullums have two children Billy Albert and Nathaniel Wilson. Mrs. Hullum attended North Texas University and East Texas University. She is active in the Fairview Home Demonstration Club. Pol. Adv. Pd for by Billy D. Hullum. (See newspaper for complete article and picture.)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stout of Terrell, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Paula, to Randy Boston, son of Mrs. Pete Boston of Wills Point. Miss Stout is a 1966 graduate of Terrell High School and is now employed at Westab Inc. in Garland. Mr. Boston is a 1965 graduate of Wills Point High School, and is now attending East Texas State University. He is employed at LTV of Greenville. The couple plan, a March 9 wedding at the First Baptist Church in Terrell. A reception will be held in the Fellowship Hall. All friends and relatives are invited to attend. (See newspaper for picture.)
The Esther Ruth Sunday School, Class met at 2 p.m. Monday, Feb. 12 in the home of Mrs. Ray Weaver. The meeting was, opened in prayer by Mrs. George Merritt. Roll call was, answered by “My Favorite Verses” in the Book of Psalms. After the business session, Mrs. Lynne Collins, who was special guest, gave a wonderful devotional from Isaiah 35-8,9. The meeting was closed with all reading the 67th chapter of Psalms.
The Fellowship Sunday, School Class of the First Baptist Church met Feb. 8, in the home of Mrs. John Ezell. The opening prayer was, given by Mrs. L.D. Owen. Mrs. Lydia Houck gave the devotional from scripture. The president, Mrs. Bessie Sims Taylor presided over the business meeting and Mrs. R.S. Teague and Mrs. Houck had charge of the social hour. 13 members were in attendance.
Funeral services for R.C. Jordan, 72, of Grand Saline, were held Saturday Feb. 10 at the Creagleville Church, with Perry Kerr officiating. Burial was in the Creagleville Cemetery under direction of Newman-Eubank Funeral Home of Edgewood. He was a retired farmer, member of VFW and the Church of Christ. Mr. Jordan was the brother of Mrs. W.G. Miller and Alvin Jordan of Wills Point.
Rev. Perry P. Dawson, 69, died Monday, Feb. 5 in a Freeport hospital. He was a native of Van Zandt County and a retired Presbyterian minister. He served as the pastor of the Angleton Presbyterian Church 1946-59, as well as several other churches throughout the state. He was active in Masonic organizations and worked with Boy Scouts. Funeral services were held Feb. 7 in the First Presbyterian Church, Angleton, with the Rev. Harold Tillman officiating. Interment was in the Angleton Cemetery. (See newspaper for complete obituary.)
Funeral services for Mrs. Ludie Calder, 83 of Grand Saline was, held Feb. 10, at the Bible Baptist Church with Rev. Cecil Thomas officiating. Burial was in the Union Chapel cemetery. A naïve of Uvalde, she lived most of her life in the Grand Saline area. She had seven sons and four daughters including Mrs. Dessie Kinney of Wills Point. She also had two stepsons and one stepdaughter.