This Week in Wills Point History Friday, Feb. 23, 1968
Announcement has been made by television station KRLD, Channel 4, Dallas that a telecast of special interest to people in this area will be shown at 9 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27. The special feature of pictures and commentary was worked up by Channel 4 and is designed to show the effect that the opening of Interstate 20 from Dallas through East Texas has had on towns located on Highway 80. Among the people interviewed in this area were Jack Shofner, Chamber of Commerce manager, Odie Chitty, nurseryman on Highway 80, and Gordon R. Wynne, Jr., attorney.
A Board of Directors to serve MacBee Water Corporation was elected on February 16 at a meeting of corporation members at the Wills Point school cafeteria. Hold-over members of the board are Jack Deen, S.M. Glazner and Gordon White. Newly elected to serve on the board are Richard Herrin, Mrs. J.K. Sears, James Brockman and Angus Lide. The members voted to extend the MacBee Water Corporation System water lines into areas in the Jackson Community and in the Edgewood-Bethlehem and Lake Tawakoni area.
L.B. Shofner, Chamber of Commerce manager and president of the United Fund announced the re-opening of the Wills Point Library Tuesday, Feb. 27. Hours are 3 until 5 p.m. The library has many new books.
A blue and gold banquet for Cub Scouts Pack 379 will be held on Monday evening February 26 in the Fellowship Hall of Russell Memorial Methodist Church. Each family attending is advised to bring enough food, paper plates and cups for their own family. The meal will be spread family style at 7 p.m.
Tiger-Cat: Have you been noticing two new faces around the Wills Point Schools lately? Mrs. W.R. Travis has recently joined the Wills Point School system as a physical education aid. She is supervising students in the absence of Mrs. Herbert Cannafax, who is absent because of illness. Another newcomer in the schools is P.E. aid, Mrs. J.F. Bunch.
Judy Hawkins, daughter of W.A. Hawkins is the newest member of the junior class. Judy came from Sunset High School in Dallas. John May, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth May has enrolled as a member of the sophomore class. He moved to Wills Point from Illinois. John has participated in track, wrestling, football and basketball.
Senior Silhouettes: Linda Kinney, a very active senior girl, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Kinney and has attended Wills Point schools since the first grade. As a senior Linda has been chosen - Most Active Girl, secretary of the band, and Editor-in Chief of the annual. (See newspaper for complete article and picture.
The Cartwright Home Demonstration Club met on Feb. 15, in the home of Mrs. Charlie Brown. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Gid Sheilds. Songs were led by Mrs. Leo Cunigan and Mrs. Charlie Brown. Mrs. Arthur Willie Howard, Jr., Mrs. Sylvester Spencer and Mrs. Oscar Morris brought special plans for the March meeting. The dining table was lovely with red carnations centered with a silver heart, which created the valentine spirit.
The B&PW Club met Monday evening Feb. 5. All enjoyed a delicious meal, and a 42 party afterwards. The hostesses were Mrs. Alvin Jones, Mrs. Charlie Wilson and Mrs. Raymond Martin. Mrs. Billy Ellis helped with the decorations with a valentine theme.
Mrs. Arnold Stewart, the former Miss Gale Hodge, was honored with a bridal tea on February 17, in the home of Mrs. Wayne Dawson. Assisting Mrs. Dawson were Mesdames John C. Lybrand, L.U. Castleberry and A.G. McDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A. Price returned recently from Sedalia, Missouri where they attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mrs. Price’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.D. McMullin. The couple was married in Olatha, Kansas. Attending the anniversary were many relatives they had not seen in 25 years or longer.
Cradle Roll: Mr. and Mrs. Don Rinks, Irving, are the proud parents of a baby girl, Wendy Rene, born Feb. 17. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rinks, Edgewood, and Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Brogden of Quitman. Dan and Dorothy Parker of Concord, California have announced the arrival of a baby daughter, Anita Lynn, born on February 9. Mr. and Mrs. T.G. Parker of Wills Point are the baby’s grandparents. Anita Lynn has a three-year old brother, Geoffrey and a five year-old sister, Gayle.
Men, Women in Service: Mike Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Foster of Wills Point, is serving with Company B, 14th Engineers Battalion in Vietnam. In his letter dated Feb. 12, he stated his outfit had been moved into tents, which were a great improvement as previously they had been sleeping in bunkers. (See newspaper for complete article and picture.)
Donna S. Hollister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hollister has been promoted to Lt. J.G. A graduate of Baylor University, she entered the navy in June 1966. After completing O.C.S. in Newport, Rhode Island, she has been assigned to the liaison office between Congress and the navy in Washington, D.C.
Stephen Dewess, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Dewees, was one of twelve men inducted through the Van Zandt County draft board, and left for service Feb. 6. Steve is currently stationed at Fort Polk, La., where he is receiving basic training. Eddy Starr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emory Starr, was also one of the, group leaving.
Bill Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. T.G. Parker left Wills Point for Fort Dix, New Jersey on January 30. He continued the next day to an overseas assignment in Nurnberg, Germany, where he will be stationed in a hospital. Prior to his overseas assignment, he was stationed at Fort Devens, Mass., where he also worked in the hospital. His wife, Nancy, expects to join him soon.
Personals: Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Bowell, Jr., of Kaufman visited Mrs. George Boswell and Mrs. M.K. Hallman Sunday.
Lt. and Mrs. Johnny B. Hitt, Columbus, Georgia, are spending two weeks in the home of Mrs. Hiett’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.V. Hubbard.
Tom Castleberry spent the week-end in Houston as the guest of Miss Rikki Rivers and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lane Rivers.
Mrs. Charles Alexander, and daughters, of Corpus Christi, sent several days recently in the home of Mrs. Alexander’s mother, Mrs. Homer Read.
Thomas Campbell spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. David Morris, Tim and Carisa, in Picayune, Mississippi. Mrs. Campbell who spent the past three weeks in the Morris home, returned home with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid and Miss Phyllis Campbell of Boston, Mass., visited briefly Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dee Ferrell. They were enroute to California.