This Week in Wills Point History

Friday, October 20, 1961

Homecoming has been set for Wills Point high school for Saturday night, Oct. 31. All students, ex-students, and students from Edgewood are cordially invited to the reception following the Wills Point-Edgewood football game. During the half time activities, the football sweetheart, chosen by members of the football squad, will be crowned. Runners-up will also be recognized. The reception will be held in the gymnasium following the game. Dancing to records and games are planned for the reception. Committees have been named by the student council, which is sponsoring the homecoming activities. Cathie Mullin, head cheerleader, serves as chairman of the welcoming committee.

Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Flint are observing their golden wedding anniversary with open house at their home Sunday, October 22. Friends and relatives are invited to call at their home on Highway 64 Sunday afternoon from two to five o’clock.

The East Side Church of Christ located on East Highway 80 one mile east of the Y, will be host to the Area-Wide Singing Sunday, October 23, at 2:30 p.m. Several special groups have been invited, Perry Kerr, minister stated. Everyone is cordially invited to attend.

Leon Hill of Wills Point and Miss Ann Smith of Grand Prairie were married on Friday evening October 13, in the home of Rev. Jim Byrd in Terrell, who read the rites. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hill and the bride is the daughter of Buford L. Smith of Grand Prairie. Attending the couple was Miss Judy Hill, sister of the groom. The wedding was, attended by the groom’s family and the bride’s father and friends.

The Fellowship Class of First Baptist Church met in the home of Mrs. Herman Elliott Oct. 12. This was the first meeting of the new church year. The meeting was, opened with a song lead by Mrs. Carl Turner, Mrs Mary McElvany read Psalm 90 for the devotional. Mrs. R.S. Teague lead the prayer. Mrs. Elliott served a dessert plate to nine class members.

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