Officers pay homage to those killed

Photo by Mark Turner
Local law enforcement officials, including officer (from l-r) Cassie Mosley, officer Adam Wall, WPPD Chief Lonnie Carroll, officer Troy Tucker and Precinct 3 Constable Robert Tisdale met at the flagpole near the veteran’s park memorial along Highway 80 July 7 for a moment of silence to commemorate the one-year anniversary of an attack that took the lives of five Dallas officers.
A number of law enforcement agencies throughout Van Zandt County participated in a moment of silence July 7 to honor the fallen Dallas Police Department officers that were killed in the line of duty in downtown Dallas one year ago.
Last year, one day after the shooting in downtown Dallas that took the lives of five police officers and wounded numerous others, Van Zandt County came together in a prayer vigil to honor the fallen and wounded Dallas and DART police officers.
Pct. 4 Constable Bob Keltner was one of the organizers of the event last year and said that he felt a “deep sense of brotherhood,” with the men and women of law enforcement during the July 7, 2016, attack.