Myrtle Springs Cemetery sets work day, memorial service

The Myrtle Springs Cemetery Association has scheduled work days for May 6 and 13. Workers should bring their own yard tools, saws, trimmers, etc. and should be at the cemetery by 8 a.m. each morning, event organizers said.

The Cemetery Association will hold its annual memorial service at 2 p.m., Sunday, May 21, under the tabernacle at the cemetery. A business meeting will follow. The cemetery is located near the intersection of I-20 and VZCR 3442 in Myrtle Springs. All persons interested in the cemetery are urged to attend.

Contributions may be mailed to the Myrtle Springs Cemetery, PO Box 1092, Canton, TX 75103, or may be made the day of the memorial. Contributors can designate their donation to perpetual care or the general fund.

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