This Week in Wills Point History
Friday, April 28, 1961
Judge George D. Staton, 80, judge of Van Zandt County, died April 24, at a Dallas hospital. Funeral services were held in Canton Tuesday afternoon. Interment was at White Rose Cemetery. (See newspaper for complete obituary and names of survivors.)
W.W. Culpepper, chief of police for the city of Wills Point, has resigned his position to take a job with Texas Instruments at Garland. His resignation was effective on Friday, April 21. He has held the position since Sept. 14. 1960. Applications are being taken for the job, Mayor Homer Read stated today.
The last meeting of the year of the Parent Teachers Club will be a covered dish supper May 2 in honor of Miss Alma Spears, who is retiring as a teacher; and Jerry Hooks, who is leaving the faculty. It has been announced that the meetings next year will be held at night so fathers, teachers and working mothers will have the opportunity to attend. New officers elected recently will be installed at the meeting. Mrs. DeWitt Deen will be installed as president; Mrs. Perry Bodin, vice president; Mrs. Ernie Conn, secretary; Mrs. Troy Roberts, treasurer; Mrs. John Beck, membership committee; Mrs. Mickey Robertson, grade school room chairman; Mrs. E.G. Smith, Jr., high school chairman; Mrs. D.L. Fuller, Jr., health and welfare; Mrs. H.H. Hughes, reporter.