Council makes short work of April agenda

The Wills Point City Council tackled an agenda light on major action items Tuesday night, breezing through four brief topics including changes to internal administrative policies, budget amendments and delaying the implementation of increase rates from Centerpoint Energy for the maximum allotted time frame allowed.

Business opened with a pair of recognition items as city employee Chase Sullivan was commended for receiving his "D" water license and fellow employee Aaron Riley was commended for receiving his "D" wastewater license.

In addressing the first action item, city administrator Pam Pearson explained that Centerpoint Energy had issued a statement of intent to increase rates in the city of Wills Point for residential service.

Pearson noted that the city could approve the item now, or suspend the implementation of the rate increase for 45 days. Council members unanimously voted on the latter option, following the same path previous councils have followed.

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