This Week in Wills Point History

Friday, March 3, 1961

Open house of the Wills Point Public Schools will be held next Thursday night, March 9 in observance of Public Schools Week. Every department and room of the school from the first through the twelfth grades will be open to the public for inspection and students’ work will be displayed. Refreshments will be served in the cafeteria by the cafeteria staff.

Members of the Wills Point High School Band will participate in an area solo and ensemble contest tomorrow in Kilgore at the high school. Twenty-one students and their director, Miss Jearleen Loving, plan to leave Wills Point early Saturday morning by school bus and will return late in the afternoon. Students who are to participate are soloists Linda Sledge, Trombone; Brent Ballenger, baritone; Libby Jo Craft, trumpet; Kay Dawson, Candy Wingo, Linda Kay Dawson, Candy Wingo, Linda Liston, Gale Hodge, Gleith James and Paul Van Cleave clarinet.

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