Officials sworn in on New Year’s Day

Photos by Faith Caughron

New Van Zandt County Sheriff Dale Corbett was sworn into office as his mother, along with other family and friends look on during the swearing-in ceremony New Year’s Day (Sunday) of newly-elected county officials in the county district courtroom.

Around 100 people were in attendance in the Van Zandt County District Courtroom New Year’s Day Jan. 1 as newly-elected and re-elected county officials participated in the 2017 Inauguration Ceremony for county officials.
The ceremony opened with a welcome by County Judge Don Kirkpatrick followed by an opening prayer from newly-elected VZC Precinct 3 Commissioner Keith Pearson.
After Rachel Strickland led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States Flag and to the Texas Flag, Pastor Russell Harris was the special speaker for the ceremony. The pastor also led in the benediction.
Kirkpatrick issued the oath of office to the following county officials including Dale Corbett, sheriff; Shirley Chisham, county tax assessor-collector; Brandon Brown, Pct. 1 county commissioner; Keith Pearson, Pct. 3 county commissioner; Jesse Ison, Pct. 2 constable; Robert Tisdale, Pct. 3 constable; and Pat Jordan, Pct. 4 constable.

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