Districts taking zero tolerance approach to hoaxes

Nationwide, the pandemic of the “killer clowns,” or “clown sightings,” has spread, sparking awareness of danger of lurking clowns in neighborhoods. Clowns have been spotted in various communities across the nation, scaring or intimidating people, sometimes with the intent of committing a violent act.

Early last week, a Grand Saline High School student was arrested Sept. 4 for making terroristic threats against both the Grand Saline and Van ISDs school districts on a social media site.

The male student posted on Instagram, a social media photo application, with the following threat.

“Watch out, imma about to shoot up the grand saline school. Van is next. Killerclown.com”

The student went under the false name of Steve Sholdings, with the Instagram handle of killer­_clown_gshs. The account has since been closed.

Grand Saline ISD posted a statement on Facebook during the pandemonium that surrounded the threat.

"Grand Saline ISD parents and community,

Grand Saline Police Department has arrested the individual responsible for the social media threats. We will continue to be on heightened awareness as the state and country continue to experience similar hoaxes. Thank you for your patience and for allowing us to educate your children."

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