“The Locker Room Show” on KMOO to broadcast live from Grand Saline Monday night

“The Locker Room Show” on Mineola radio station KMOO (99.9 FM), will be broadcasting live from Salt Lickers in downtown Grand Saline Monday night from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

“The Locker Room Show” features high school football correspondents from around the KMOO listening area reviewing the previous Friday night matchups and looking ahead to the following Friday night gridiron contests.

David Barber, sports correspondent for Van Zandt Newspapers, will be among the guests on the program each week.

KMOO will be broadcasting the Grand Saline/Winnsboro varsity football game live on Friday, October 14 in Grand Saline.

All football fans are invited to come out and be a part of “The Locker Room Show” on KMOO every Monday night during the high school football season.

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