TxDOT retirees to meet in Tyler

All Texas Department of Transportation retirees, former TxDOT employees, family and friends are cordially invited to join the TxDOT Tyler District Retirees Group Oct. 22 in the Piano Room of Tradition’s American-Style Cafeteria Restaurant in Tyler. 

The meeting will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. 

“An enjoyable time and an informative program are our goals.  As a break from the many speeches given during our Nation’s election season, our good fellowship will be the featured presentation for the day.  Keeping in touch with friends and former co-workers is what we are all about,” organizers said.

Traditions Restaurant is located at 6205 S. Broadway St. between the intersections with Old and New Grande Boulevard

For more information, contact Danny Aylor, 2003 TxDOT retiree, at 903-676-9271 or email dannyaylor@earthlink.net.

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