Cattle handling workshop, winter pasture program set for Sept. 6

The Van Zandt Extension Livestock and Forage committee will be hosting a Cattle Handling and Winter Pasture Program Sept. 6 at Circle M Farms in Grand Saline.

Circle M is located at 602 FM 1652 in Grand Saline.


Dr. Ron Gill, professor, extension livestock specialist and associate department head for extension, will be the guest speaker for the event.  

 Gill is world renowned for his low-stress cattle handling technique and chute side manners presentation. He will be presenting both of these talks at this event.

 Winter pastures, insect control and looking ahead to 2017 will also be covered by VZ County Extension Agent Tommy Phillips. 

 Registration will begin at 4:30 p.m. and the program will begin at 5 p.m.  

Cost is $15 and covers the cost of a barbecue sandwich meal with all the fixins as well as handouts. 

One and half continuing education units will be given toward pesticide license renewal for those needing the credit, Phillips said.

Beef Quality Assurance credits (will also be available for attendees. 

 “We ask that you RSVP to the Van Zandt County Extension office by Thursday, Sept. 1, so that we may have an accurate head count for the meal and handouts,” Phillips said.

 Also, individuals with disabilities who require auxiliary aid, service or accommodation in order to participate in extension-sponsored meetings are encouraged to contact the county extension office at 903-567-4149 to determine how reasonable accommodations can be made, he said.