Wills Point Chamber of Commerce held luncheon

The Wills Point Chamber of Commerce held their July member luncheon on July 20 at the Wills Point Community Center. The luncheon was sponsored by Wills Point Independent School District and meal was catered by Pudgy’s Mexican Food in Wills Point.

With over fifty in attendance, chamber president Brandi Weaver recognized its newest members; Open Heart Open Home, Clown Company, Fifty Shades of Rust, Hickory Roots BBZ and Lilly Enterprise / McDonalds. Weaver also recognized Ramsey's Roadhouse and Dairy Queen for sponsoring the 2016 Highway 80 Progressive Car Show.

The July guest speaker was Wills Point Independent School District Superintendent Scott Caloss who walked chamber members through a presentation outlining the upcoming Tax Ratification Election. 

Brandi Weaver also reminded chamber members about deadlines for the 2016 Chamber Directory and Van Zandt County Map. She also mentioned several upcoming events including the installation of the new Highway 80 sign and grand opening for the new McDonald's at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, August 2.

For more information on upcoming programs, how to become a member or to reserve a seat at the August luncheon please contact Brandi Weaver at the Wills Point Chamber of Commerce at 903-873-3111 or at contact@willspointchamber.com.