Crime Watch group hears from candidates

The North West Van Zandt Crime Watch held their spring meeting on May 7 at the home of Carolyn Minor.

The program for the day was a meet and greet with the two candidates for VZC sheriff, Dale Corbett and Ron Carroll, and newly elected Pct. 3 Commissioner Keith Pearson.

Each candidate addressed the group and answered questions. Election day for the sheriff’s run off race is May 24.

Pearson talked to the group about his plans for the precinct.  “Although he doesn’t take office until January, he was gracious enough to come to the meeting.  The group enjoyed a one-on-one with each official,” watch organizers said.

Deputy Tim Scharfenberg told the group about the local precinct crime watch groups. They meet in Wills Point in the community center on the second Tuesday of each month.  He stressed the importance of the whole county’s involvement.  “We can all be a part of making out community a safer place by being aware of what and who are in our area:  The more eyes watching the better,” Scharfenberg said.