This week in Wills Point History Friday, April 29, 1960

The May 6, 1960, issue of the Wills Point Chronicle is not available on microfilm. This week additional items from the April 29, 1960 issue, is being substituted in lieu of the May 6, 1960, issue.

Denton. -Troy D. Roberts, teacher in the Wills Point Independent School District, has been awarded a grant for study in a summer institute for high school science and mathematics teachers at North Texas State College. He will be enrolled in the physics program, Dr. Robert C. Sherman, institute director, announced.

A cemetery working has been called for Thursday, May 5, at the Rock Hill Cemetery in the Bethlehem community. R.E. Eskue, trustee, asks everyone interested to please bring their tools with which to work, and lunch.

The Tiger-Cat: Members of the Junior Class honored the Senior Class at the annual Junior-Senior Banquet in the school cafeteria last Friday April 22. Carrying out a Hawaiian theme, the cafeteria was decorated with a beach scene of sand, shells, palm trees and a grass hut. Black silhouettes of palm trees covered the windows and cutouts of tropical fish hung from the ceiling. Arrangements of pineapple, fern and fresh fruit centered the tables. Sarah Goodwin, Junior Class president, welcomed the seniors to the banquet and Ronald Gilbert, president of the senior class, gave the response. Karl Lybrand read “Memories,” in which he recalled past events of the present Senior Class. Carolyn Lang prophesied what the seniors would be in 1970 and Teena Wilson and Butch Shepard pantomime a hula. All the girls wearing orchids at the banquet fitted in very nicely with the Hawaiian Luau theme. (See newspaper for complete article.)

The Tiger Cat is quite proud of the Junior High Tract Team for “bringing home the bacon” in the form of a first place trophy from the Van Tournament last Thursday.

Members of the senior play cast set the date for their play entitled “Quit Your Kidding” for Friday, May 13, at 8 o’clock. Rehearsals started on March 23, and the seniors have been working regularly at night in order to make the play humorous entertainment for the audience. Those having parts in the three-act comedy are Wynona Scott, Jimmy Burch, Dorothy Bronson, Rex Rankin, Sue Jordan, Nina Vaughn. Also Nancy Shepard, Ronald Gilbert, Patricia Shelton, Don Sanders, Carolyn Mayfield and Kenny McSpadden. Directing the play are Mr. G.C. Adams and Mrs. Lowell Hoffman, senior sponsors.

Majestic Theatre: Showing Sun.-Mon., May 1-2 “Please Don’t Eat the Daisies.” Not Recommended for “Those Who Can’t Laugh.”

Members of the high school band attended the Interscholastic League Concert and Sight Reading Contests in Longview Thursday. The band accompanied by Miss Jearleen Loving, left the Band Hall at 7 o’clock yesterday morning for Longview. The band played “Adagio Cantabile, American Folk Rhapsody and With Flags Unfurled as their concert numbers.

Nancy Jo Shepard, president, Pat Ballow, representative, and Miss Mary Coleman, teacher, plan to attend the State FHA Meeting in Austin Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 28 through 30. The theme of the program will be “FHA Patterns for Progress.”


Mohammed Gharib from Tunisia arrived in Canton on Sunday, April 17, to begin a month’s visit with Van Zandt farmers, announced Todd W. Berry, county agent. Gharib will stay two weeks on two farms in the county and will spend two weeks with Berry, observing county agent’s work. The first week, April 17-23, Gharib visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arch Martin, Canton. From April 24 to May 1, he will visit with Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Brett, Edom.

The Martins operate a dairy. The Brett family, have beef cattle. Gharib will do general farm work while visiting the Van Zandt farmers. Gharib is one of ten Tunisians who arrived in the United States on February 28. He spent a month in Washington, D.C., and three weeks at A&M College.  He is a graduate of an agricultural college in Tunisia and has had one year of school teaching experience. After completing seven months training in the United States, Gharib will go back to work as a county agent in his native country.

Personals: “Mrs. Norman Strawan and son, Robert Allen, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Lea. Mrs. Carrie Lee Carter of Dallas spent Wednesday night with her sister, Mrs. Laura Adams. Mrs. J.L. Hurley and Mrs. J.A. Cooley attended the flower show in Kaufman Friday. Mrs. Marsh Lea of Fort Stockton and Mrs. Walter Doggett of Franklin spent Wednesday and Thursday with the former’s brother R. McLeod and Mrs. McLeod. Mrs. Charlie Wilson spent last week with her son, Billy Jack Wilson at Clayton, New Mexico. Mrs. Oscar Johnson and daughter Leta, left Sunday to join her husband in Waco where he is employed. Mrs. Paul Ellenberger of Dallas visited friends on Sunday and Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Boswell of Kaufman, former residents of Wills Point left on April 9 for Marion, Ala., for the sponsors day festivities at Marion Institute, held Wednesday April 13. Their son Mike Boswell is a student at Marion. The sponsors day honors the mothers of the company commanders.

 The Locust Grove Cemetery Association will observe its annual memorial service on Sunday, May 1. Quite a bit of work has been done in the cemetery, and it is in good condition for the occasion, a spokesman said. All persons interested are asked to come help make the day an enjoyable one. Mrs. Wayne Pearson of Kaufman will be the speaker. As usual there will be a basket lunch at the noon hour.

These articles have been extracted from original copies of the Wills Point Chronicle and may be viewed on microfilm at the Van Zandt County Library of Genealogy and Local History, located in the courthouse annex in Canton.