Eagles, Vandals, Tigers compete at district

Three Van Zandt County track teams, representing Canton, Van and Wills Point, all converged at Emory Rains High School April 13-14 to compete in the District 14-4A Track Meet. Other schools in attendance included event host Emory Rains, as well as Brownsboro.
Varsity boys results included:
-100: Cooper Bledsoe, Van, first; Tyreq Peterson, WP, sixth; Fernando Lopez, Canton, seventh
-200: Dylan Cox, Canton, first; Bradley Fitzgerald, Van, second; Kendrick Jones, Van, third; Joseph Paddock, WP, fourth; Bryce Wilkens, Canton, seventh; Nathan Johnson, WP, eighth
-400: Bryce Wilkens, Canton, first; Connor Houston, Van, fifth; Aidan Phillips, WP, sixth; Saul Rojo, Van, seventh; Tristan Ramos, Canton, eighth
-800: James Vogt, Canton, fifth; Cordale Harrison, Canton, sixth; Aidan Phillips, WP, seventh; Carter Day, Canton, eighth; Danny Campa, Van, ninth
-1600: Jacob Carter, Van, first; Cordale Harrison, Canton, second; Austin Slenk, Van, third; Jackson Ramsey, WP, fifth; Matthew Hook, Canton, sixth; Juan Ruiz, Canton, 11th
-3200: Jacob Carter, Van, first; Matthew Hook, Canton, second; Austin Slenk, Van, third; Jackson Ramsey, WP, sixth; Juan Ruiz, Canton, eighth; Lee McCoy, Canton, 11th
-110 Hurdles: Tre Lovett, Van, third; McGwire Martin, Canton, sixth; Ricardo Navarro, Wills Point, seventh
-300 Hurdles: Tre Lovett, Van, first; McGwire Martin, Canton, sixth; David Umana, Wills Point, seventh; Chris Goodson, Canton, eighth
-4x100: Canton, first; Van, second; WP, fourth
-4x200: Canton, second; Van, third; WP, fifth
-4x400: Canton, first; Van, fourth; WP, fifth
-Shot Put: Brax Thompson, Van, fourth; Sloan Rodberg, WP, fifth; Bryan Sherwood, Wills Point, sixth; Clay Gandy, Van, seventh; Jacob Adams, Van, eighth; Za’Corion Fullbright, WP; Kyle Adams, Canton, 10th; Brazos Hesskew, Canton, 11th; Chris Ritter, Canton, 12th
-Discus: Austin Yarber, Canton, first; Bryan Sherwood, WP, fourth; Za’Corion Fullbright, WP, fourth; Adrian Plaster, Canton, seventh; Sloan Rodberg, WP, eighth; Ivan Nelson, Canton, ninth; Brax Thompson, Van, 10th; Clay Gandy, Van, 12th
-High Jump: Chris Goodson, Canton, first; Zanden Worley, Van, second; Nathan Johnson, WP, fifth; Mitchell Gebauer, Canton, seventh; Isaiah Allred, Van, t-eighth; Holden Myers, Van, t-eighth
-Pole Vault: Colin Millsap, Canton, first; Scott Mitchell, Van, third; David Umana, WP, t-seventh; John Wesley Shelton, WP, ninth
-Long Jump: Brett Doring, Van, second; Kendrick Jones, Van, third; Fernando Lopez, Canton, sixth; Marques Crouch, WP, seventh; Garrett Mosely, Van, eight; McGwire Martin, Canton, ninth; Joseph Paddock, WP, 10th; Dalton Williams, Canton, 11th
-Triple Jump: Kendrick Jones, Van, first; Brett Doring, Van, second; Dalton Williams, Canton, fourth; Fernando Lopez, Canton, sixth; Holden Myers, Van, seventh; Mitchell Gebauer, Canton, ninth; Nathan Johnson, WP, 10th; Marques Crouch, WP, 11th; Aidan Phillips, WP, 14th
Varsity girls results included:
-100: Iyanna Clark, Canton, first; Champagne Martinsen, Canton, second; Hannah Scott, Van, fourth; Madigan Davis, Van, fifth
-200: Iyanna Clark, Canton, first; Lorna Henderson, Canton, second; Chelsey Casteel, Canton, third; Alex Walton, Van, sixth; Cheyenne Willis, WP, eighth
-400: Abbie Phillips, WP, first; Sage Davis, Canton, second; Olivia Boyd, Canton, fourth; Mattie Tullos, Canton, fifth; Yaniah Guzman, Van, seventh
-800: Juliana Bratcher, Canton, first; Macie Reynolds, Van, second; Rachel Cade, Canton, third; Cassie Carnine, Canton, fifth; Gabriela Gonzalez, WP, seventh; Ashley Andrews, Van, 10th
-1600: Juliana Bratcher, Canton, first; Karen James, Canton, second; Macie Reynolds, Van, third; Gabriela Gonzalez, WP, fourth; Lindsey Lamar, Canton, fifth; Holly Settegast, Van, sixth
-3200: Karen James, Canton, first; Beth Maddox, Van, second; Lindsey Lamar, Canton, third; Holly Settegast, Van, fourth; Kristin Neystel, Canton, fifth
-100 Hurdles: Erin King, WP, first; Paloma Pitman, Van, third; Beth Maddox, Van, fifth; Makenzie Voorhis, Canton, sixth; Raycee Clifton, Van, seventh; Emilie Rogers, Canton, eighth
-300 Hurdles: Paloma Pitman, Van, first; Cassie Carnine, Canton, third; Makenzie Voorhis, Canton, fourth; Beth Maddox, Van, fifth
-4x100: Canton, first; WP, second; Van, fifth
-4x200: Canton, first; WP, third; Van, fifth
-4x400: Canton, second; WP, third; Van, fourth
-Shot Put: Carlie Jarman, Van, first; Morgan Jarman, Van, fourth; Catherine Gisore, Van, fifth; Quanisha Williams, Canton, sixth; Haley Hernandez, Canton, 11th
-Discus: Morgan Jarman, Van, second; Kaylee Nilius, Canton, third; Haley Thompson, Van, fourth; Carlie Jarman, Van, seventh; Destiney Johnson, Canton, eighth; Quanisha Williams, Canton, 12th
-High Jump: Hannah Manry, Canton, fourth; Carolyn Gross, Canton, sixth; Sam Neal, Canton, seventh
-Pole Vault: Makiah Dodd, Van, first; Cheyenne Willis, WP, third; Rachel Cade, Canton, fourth
-Long Jump: M’Kenna Daniel, Van, fourth; Hannah Manry, Canton, fifth; Courtney Roberts, Canton, sixth; Mattie Tullos, Canton, eighth; Kyla Jones, Van, 11th
-Triple Jump: Mattie Tullos, Canton, third; M’Kenna Daniel, Van, sixth; Hannah Manry, Canton, seventh; Sam Neal, Canton, eighth
Qualifying athletes will cover familiar ground for the Area Meet, once again competing at Emory Rains High School April 21.