Upper Sabine Cattleman’s Conference set for Friday, March 18
The Upper Sabine Cattleman’s conference is scheduled for Friday, March 18, at Van Zandt County Farm Bureau located on the corner of Hwy 243 and Hwy 19.
Registration will begin at 8 a.m. and the program will begin at 9 a.m.
The first topic will be “Bull Selection Basics” led by Dr. Jason Banta, associate professor and extension beef cattle specialist.
Next on the program, Banta will return and talk about ““Practical suggestions for cow-calf supplementation
“One question we get all the time is artificial insemination versus using a bull,” Van Zandt County Extension Agent Tommy Phillips said. Dr. Blake Bennett, associate professor and extension economist, will tackle this topic from a financial perspective. “
After a barbecue sandwich lunch with all the fixing, Mike McCravey, with the Texas Beef council, will give a short presentation on the impact of the Beef Check Off program and what it has meant to the Texas Beef Cattle industry.
Bennett will return after lunch to cover “Rebuilding the Herd in this Up and Down Market.”
Wrapping up the program for the day is Dr. Tim Eberhart from Canton Veterinary Clinic. Eberhart will be covering “Veterinary Feed Directive and Establishing the Vet / Client Relationship” as well as covering current topics that he sees in his practice.
Registration is $20 per person and includes lunch, refreshments and a copy of the clinic proceedings.
“We do ask that you please RSVP to the County Extension Office of Kaufman, Rains, Wood or Van Zandt no later than 4 p.m. Tuesday, March 15, to guarantee lunch reservations,” Phillips said.
Two CEUs (2 IPM) will be given toward pesticide license renewal for those needing the credit.
The program is coordinated effort of the Kaufman, Rains, Wood and Van Zandt County Extension offices and their livestock and forage committees.
Individuals with disabilities who require auxiliary aid, service or accommodation in order to participate in Extension sponsored meetings are encouraged to contact the County Extension office at (903) 567-4149 to determine how reasonable accommodations can be made.