Veterans Memorial brick sales continue

The Van Zandt County Veterans Memorial is very busy trying to raise the rest of the money needed to complete the bronzing of the kneeling soldier to be placed on the stand in the Memorial Plaza.

One way you can help is to encourage your friends and family to think about ordering a brick to be placed in the Plaza to honor a veteran.

The cost is still $125 and forms can be placed at the Memorial Visitors Center located at the intersection of Hwy. 243 and Hwy. 19 in Canton.

The brick will be a lasting memory and we encourage everyone to stop by the Plaza, tour the Plaza walkway and view all the bricks currently in place. Bring paper and a pencil or chalk and copy the brick or take a photo of it to share with others.

The Visitors Center is open 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. The phone number is 903-567-0657.

We hope to see you there.

Diane Farmer is the public relations chair for the Van Zandt County Veterans Memorial.