East Texas Forage conference to cover a wide array of topics

A wide array of topics will be cover at the 2016 East Texas Forage Conference, all in effort to assist East Texas forage producers make the best quality forage they can at the most economical price, Van Zandt County Extension Agent Tommy Phillips said.

The event is scheduled for Friday, Feb. 26, at the Rains County Fairgrounds -Emory. 

Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. Cost is $20 per person payable at the door.  Lunch will be provided. 

The program will end about 3 p.m.

The program will begin at 9 a.m. with a discussion on “The Use of Prescribed Burning on Grazing Lands” by Ryan Walser of the Natural Resource Conversation Service.

The next topic will be “Silvopasture in East and Central Texas. This program will be presented by Jodi Hill, a graduate Student at Stephen F. Austin State University. (Silvopasture is an agroforestry practice that integrates livestock, forage production and forestry on the same land-management unit.)

Dr. James Rogers, assistant professor of the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, will cover “Warm Season Pasture Establishment Perennials and Annuals.”

Rogers will be the speaker again after lunch. His topic wil be “Stockpiling Bermuda Grass Pastures.”

Rounding out the day will be Darren Rozell of Rozell Ag Sprayer and Rozell Chemicals.  He will be covering “Pros and Cons of using GPS Tracking and Markers for Herbicide Applications.”

 Three continuing education units (two IPM, one general ) will be given for those in attendance, Phillips said.

This program is sponsored by Van Zandt, Rains and Wood county offices of Texas AgriLife Extension Service. 

RSVPs are needed to the Van Zandt County Extension office by Feb. 19 and can be made by calling 903-567-4149.