Employees, toilet retires from county

 During the Dec. 22 county commissioners meeting. Commissioner Pct. 4 Tim West once again asked for county departments to submit their respective monthly reports.

West, who said that the reports were “slipping again,” in regards to the amount of reports received, said that a monthly report by the offices and departments of the county was required by law to be submitted.

West also discussed with fellow commissioners about the need to discuss options on how to receive the reports.

“These reports are required by law to be submitted. We have got to have them. For months we have been asking for the reports to be submitted.  I suggest we look into ways on how to get the reports submitted to us,” West said.

Commissioners did approve the monthly reports that were submitted.

Three longtime employees of Van Zandt County were honored with a reception for their respective retirements Dec. 22.

Retiring from the Van Zandt County Criminal District Attorney’s office is Barry Bilger. Bilger worked in the DA office from 2007 to 2015.

Sharon Iley Slayden has announced her retirement from the county’s Indigent Health Office. Slayden worked in Indigent Health from 2002 to 2015. Slayden was also the director of the Indigent Health Office.

Vickie Slone has also announced her retirement from the juvenile probation office. Slone worked in juvenile probation office from 2008 to 2015.

A reception was held to honor the retirees. Each retiree was given a plaque that commemorated their time as a county employee.

After years of use, a toilet on the third floor of the courthouse will be also be retiring. Commissioner Pct. 3 Bobby Chaney said that the women’s restroom on the third floor will be receiving a new toilet.

Chaney said the total cost of the new toilet would be $475.

“The old commode had been there for a while. It was old and very low to the ground. This new one is at comfort level and can also be used by those who are handicapped,” Chaney said.

The new addition of the commode to the third floor ladies’ bathroom was unanimously approved by commissioners.

VZC Emergency Services District

Commissioners approved ESD commissions for all four districts.

ESD 1 commissioners are Ross Hamilton, J. Merritt Harpole and Robert Justis who will all serve two-year terms.  

ESD 2 commissioners are John Robison and Bill Rowton who will serve a two-year terms. Terry Tolar will fill an unexpired term.

ESD 3 commissioners are Marvin Shaw, David Wilkerson and Scott Opitz.

ESD 4 commissioners for a two-year term are Ken Byrd, Chuck Jennings and Joe Arnold. One year commissioners for ESD 4 are Larry Byford and Becky Monning.

 In other news of the court:

—Approved an expenditure for vinyl decals from the sheriff’s forfeiture funds in the amount of $681.74;

—Approved the renewal of bonds for Carolyn Hendricks and Rhonda Johnson and the cancellation of a bond for Kenny Edwards of the VZC auditor’s office;

—discussed and approved nominations for the Texas Association of Counties Health and Employee Benefit Pool board of directors;

—authorized FY2016 budget amendments.