Pct. 1 commissioner files for re-election

Incumbent Pct. 1 Commissioner Brandon Brown has filed for re-election.

A lifelong resident of Van Zandt County, Brown said he is proud to live here and he is happy he is able “to give back to my county some of what has been given to me over the years.”

Brown said his past business experience helped him set priorities and he hopes to further accomplish those goals.

During his first campaign, he said his priorities were keeping taxes low and growing economic development; maintaining and refurbishing roads and bridges; supporting law enforcement; reducing the county debt; and being a full time commissioner.

“Property taxes have remained at our current rate for the tax years 2014, 2015 and 2016,” Brown said. “During my last three years, we have established an economic development board and have funded it with $114,000 to be used to bring new business into our county.  This helps take the tax burden off of the homeowner.”

Maintaining the county’s road is a challenge, Brown admits. “When I took office in 2013 our Road and Bridge Material Budget was $69,500,” he said. “This was the amount I was given to maintain over 270 miles of roads.  The roads have been maintained to the best of my ability given the available resources.  As of today, our reserve account has approximately $474,000.”

During the past three years, Brown said commissioners have “been able to give the sheriff’s department four additional deputies and one new jailor.  The department has also received $250,000 for vehicles.”

And while the county is still in debt, it’s lower now than when he took office, Brown said. “In 2013, Van Zandt County was $10.5 million in debt,” he said. “Over the past three years we have managed to reduce the debt to $6.9 million.”

Brown said he has been a full-time, “hands-on” commissioner.  “I have supervised and managed and worked along with the road crew on a daily basis,” he said. “I have maintained an open-door policy.  I have been hands-on in natural disasters, especially the tornadoes we have battled.”

If re-elected, Brown said would continue to focus on taxes, economic development, roads and bridges and law enforcement.

“I will continue to fight to keep taxes as low as possible,” he said. “The citizens of Van Zandt County should not have to bear the burden of increased taxes.  Small government, low taxes and less regulation are necessary to get our county back into better financial condition. 

“I pledge to always lead by example by working with a conservative budget and cut all wasteful spending.  To increase our tax base, we must bring a new emphasis on economic development to help create new jobs and more revenue for our county.”

The road and bridge fund has grown significantly and Brown said he has a plan for improving the roads in Precinct 1.

“This coming year, our Road and Bridge Budget for material will be $410,000,” he said. “I will use the KSA Engineering Report to implement our road and bridge maintenance.  With careful managing we now have a reserve account available of $474,000.  I plan on taking half of the money to give back to taxpayers through road improvements. 

“Using the KSA Report and our increased budget, we should be able to see a real change in our roads for the better.”

Brown acknowledges that more law enforcement officers will be needed as the county grows and said he plans to “continue to work with all law enforcement officers and departments in the county to provide a safe environment for all to enjoy.”

He said short and long range plans are needed.  “Our plans will also include our needs at the jail,” he said. “As state jail standards continue to change, we will be required to keep pace.”

Debt reduction is also a priority, Brown said. He said his goal is to reduce the county’s debt by $1.154 million annually.

“By striving to get the debt to zero, this will free up $1,154 million to be distributed among road improvements, the sheriff’s department, and all county services which are provided to the taxpayers,” he said.

Primary election day is March 1. Early voting runs Feb. 16 through 26 at the Plaza Museum, 119 N. Buffalo St. in Canton.