Former hospital trustee, retired serviceman files for Pct. 1
Tom Elliott has filed as a Republican candidate for Van Zandt County Commissioner Precinct 1.
He is challenging incumbent Brandon Brown.
“I have lived in Precinct 1 for 15 years with my wife, Trish Gray Elliott,” Elliott said. “I am a conservative Republican, who believes in a balanced budget and fair day’s work for a fair day’s pay. I will be a full time commissioner with no other distractions to consume my time.”
Elliott has served on the Cozby-Germany Hospital board of trustee. He resigned the position when he decided to run for commissioner, “so I could dedicate my time to the job at hand,” he said.
Elliott holds a bachelor of science in aeronautical science from Embry-Riddle University in Daytona Beach, Fla. He served in the U.S. Army for 24 years and retired in 1990 as a lieutenant colonel.
After his military retirement, Elliott began working with the with Texas Department of Transportation in the Research Division. He also served nine years on the Buckholts ISD Board of Trustees.
“After leaving TxDOT in 1995 I spent the next 12 years in the road construction products industry, where I worked with road construction companies, TxDOT and county crews constructing roads, bridges and other structures for the public, he said. “In addition, when I retired in 2007 I was president of Texas Steel Culvert in Arlington. I tell you this because I believe the voters in Precinct 1 deserve an experienced businessman to manage their tax dollars, someone who will put those funds to the best use repairing roads properly.”
If elected, Elliott said he will have three top priorities: being a full time commissioner, balancing the county budget and improving the roads and bridges in Pct. 1.
“No organization is efficient if the leader isn’t present to assign work and oversee that work,” he said. “I also plan on setting up a website so Precinct 1 residents can monitor where the precinct employees are working on a weekly basis and how their tax dollars are being spent.”
Elliott said he would work closely with the county judge and other members of the commissioner court to balance the budget “and eliminate the county’s $6.9 million deficit without raising taxes” while still insuring that county residents “have a sheriff’s department that is funded adequately to protect and serve.”
Elliott said he would improve Precinct 1’s roads and bridges by using a “systematic scheduling procedure utilizing the KSA Engineering study done for the county this year.”
“The study, rates the roads in the precinct from the best to the worst. This report is an excellent tool that outlines how to correct reoccurring trouble areas,” he said. “ Using the methods outlined in the KSA Report, not filling potholes with oil sand that disappears in days, but using good planning, proven methods and full time management is the only way to improve our roads and save the taxpayer’s money.
The Primary Election is set for March 1. Early voting will be Feb. 16 to 26 at the Plaza Museum, 119 N. Buffalo St. in Canton.