Race begins for March primary elections

The race for Van Zandt County sheriff, county commissioner precincts 1 and 3 and all four precinct constables is officially underway for the March 2016 primary election.
So far all filings have been on the Republican ballot. These candidates are filing for a place on the primary election ballot. The winner will represent the party on the November 2016 ballot.
As of Nov. 24, there were four candidates who had filed for the VZC sheriff position.
Ron Carroll, Samuel Mayer, Anthony “Big Tony” Katsoulas and Dale Corbett have all filed to become sheriff.

Current Sheriff Michael Lindsey Ray has not filed as of Dec. 7.
In the Commissioner Precinct 1 race, Tom Elliott Jr. has submitted his name for the ballot. The current county commissioner for Precinct 1 is Brandon Brown. Brown has not filed for election as of Dec. 7.
In the Commissioner Precinct 3 race, Gregory “Keith” Pearson, Rusty Miracle and Stanley Brown have all filed. Precinct 3 County Commissioner Bobby Chaney has not filed for re-election.
Constables for all precincts are also up for election.

Pct. 2 Constable C. B. Wiley and Constable Pct. 1 Mickey Henson has both filed to keep their positions.
Robert Tisdale has also filed for re-election for Constable Pct. 3.
The last day to file for election is Dec. 14 at the county clerk’s office at the VZC Courthouse.

According to the Texas Secretary of State’s office, to be eligible to run for sheriff or commissioner, a person must have been a resident of Texas for one year and a resident of the city for six months prior to the filing date. They must also be 18 years of age and be a registered voter at the time of the election.
A person is eligible to vote if they are a United States citizen; are a resident of the county where they submit their voting application, are at least 18 years old on Election Day, are not a convicted felon and have not been declared mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated.
Some felons may be eligible to vote if they have completed their sentences, probation or parole.
Early voting will begin Feb. 15 through 26, 2016.
Primary Election Day will be March 1.
For more information on voter registration, visit the website votetexas.gov.