This week in Wills Point History Friday, Nov. 11, 1949

Mrs. Ava Jane Johnson has been named general chairman for the chamber of commerce banquet which will be held in the basement of the Methodist church on Thursday, Nov. 17, for the benefit of the White Rose Cemetery Association. Mrs. Johnson is experienced at the job and preparations are moving forward to one of the most successful banquets ever held.

T.H. Arterberry, Dean of Kilgore College, will be the guest speaker.

The Wills Point Tigers will close a comparatively successful football session tonight on the local field when they meet the perennial opponents, Edgewood Bulldogs for a second place in the district standings should Grand Saline beat Van at Van this afternoon.

“Wills Point, the newcomer to District 18-A this season, will be host to the winning squad, and the mythical team, chosen by the coaches of this district, for the annual banquet, Dec. 14. Coach Floyd Wagstaff of Tyler Junior College will be guest speaker for the occasion.

The farmers eligible to vote in the cotton referendum for the 1950 crop are to be those farmers who were engaged in the production of cotton in 1948 according to a letter from B.F. Vance, chairman state P.M.A. committee, to Lindley Beckworth. Vote to be held Dec. 15.

According to information compiled by the Texas employment commission office in Terrell, there had been a total of 11,662 bales of cotton ginned by the eight ginners in Van Zandt County on November 2, when the survey was made. The report stated also that 540 of the bales were ginned in the seven days prior to Nov. 2. It is estimated that approximately 85 per cent of the crop in Van Zandt
County has been ginned.

The following boys registered with local board No. 124, Wills Point, during the month of October. Bulah Ivan Wilson, Charles Harlan Moss, Wills Point, James Irvin Hathcock, Mabank; Bascom Coy Stephens, Canton; Dewey C. Walker, Eustace; Dewey Threatt, Jr. Point; Malvin Fowler, Bobby Glenn, Grand Saline; Arthur Curtis, Ben Wheeler; James Edward Furrh, Fruitvale; Bryan B. Reynolds, Jr., Grand Saline; L.M. Lawley, Canton; Billy Joe Rabe, Point; Harlan Ray Petty, Wills Point; James Hugh Pruitt, Canton; Leon Curtiss McDougal, Wills Point, Raymond Fayne Childers, Emory.

The B.P.W.C held, their October social with Mrs. Bill Courtney, co-hostesses being Mesdames Gus Hubbard, Fred Blasingame, and Vanus Harris. Eight games of 42 were enjoyed. Mrs. A.B. Dawson winning every game. Those present were Messers and Mesdames Howard Smith, Dewey Boshear, O.O. Lindsey, W.W. McNeeley, Charlie Wilson, Frank Taylor, Alvin Jamieson, A.B. Dawson, L.E. Miller, E.W Conn, S.J. Cole, Henry Shepherd, George Montague, Russell Scott, Robbie Alexander, Mesdames Mae A. Williams, L.G. Dodson, Claude Reed, Ellis Campbell, Messers, Kenneth Jamieson, Roy Hoover, Vanus Harris, Gus Hubbard, and Fred Blasingame.

A dinner was given Friday night in the home of Mrs. Stella Johnson honoring Mrs. Fred Hollister, and Donna Sue, who will leave for Japan Nov. 13 to join their husband and father.


Miss Sari Price, pretty daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Price of Kaufman, was crowned queen of Homecoming Day coronation last Friday afternoon. Miss Dian Scott runner up in the high school contest was the Princess of the royal court. (See newspaper for complete article and picture.)

Cradle Roll: Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Mullins of Dallas are the parents of a baby son, Yancy Dwain, born Oct. 31 in a Dallas hospital. Mrs. Mullins is the former Janice Jo Davis.

W.H. Phipps, pioneer resident of Van Zandt County, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A.D. Williams Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Phipps was born in March 1860, in Mercer, Miss. but had lived the greater part of his life in Texas. Funeral services will be held today, Friday, at the Baptist Church. Rev. Jack Merritt of Irving, former pastor, will conduct the last rites, assisted by Rev. Mouzon Fletcher of the Methodist church. Interment will be in White Rose Cemetery.

Theo Lumpkin, who is now employed with the Practorian Insurance Co. in Dallas, is residing in Wills Point at the Bobbitt Hotel.

Miss Rose Blackwell and Max Loughmiller, both of Canton, were married last Saturday Nov. 5, at Jacksonville in the parsonage of the First Methodist Church with the pastor officiating. Miss Blackwell is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. H.F. Blackwell, a highly respected pioneer family of the county. She received her education in the Canton High School and North Texas State College at Denton. Mr. Loughmiller is the son of Mrs. Tommie Loughmiller and the late G.J. Loughmiller. He received his education in the Wills Point high school and Texas Tech at Lubbock.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod have moved to Lubbock where Mr. McLeod heads the Civil Aeronautics Authority crew. Before accepting the appointment at Lubbock, Mr. McLeod did similar work at New Orleans and Dallas.

Local and Society: Mrs. O.H. Clark left last week on a business trip to Washington, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mitchell visited friends in Durant, Okla., this week. Grady Tarver, Felix Massey and Paul Shepherd of E.T.S.T.C., were home for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Sewell spent the past ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Castleberry in Lubbock. Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Clay and family of Wilmer spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lasater. Mrs. Ben Mislivets and A.M. Wilson returned Saturday after attending the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. J.R. Harmon of Texarkana. Mrs. J.E. Deen, visited her aunt, Mrs. Alice Barfield in Austin last week. Mrs. Barfield is one of thirteen whose home is in the Confederate home. She is now 90 years of age.

These articles have been extracted from original copies of the Wills Point Chronicle and may be viewed on microfilm at the Van Zandt County Library of Genealogy and Local History, located in the courthouse annex in Canton. 


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