Fall into the VZC library
Storytime at the Van Zandt County Library was Friday, Oct. 2.
The theme was teddy bears. Some of the children brought their bears to enjoy Storytime with them. The children enjoyed making bear puppets as their craft, librarians said.
Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, Retirement---these words are prominent in the news right now.
The Friends of the Van Zandt County Library will offer an informational program that will help decision making on these subjects at the Oct. 12 regular meeting.
The enrollment period—another popular phrase—is coming up so this is a very timely subject. The meeting is at 10 a.m. in the Buchanan Room of the Van Zandt County Library.
After the meeting, anyone interested in organizing historical papers is asked to stay and work with old newspapers, bags of notes, just “stuff” that has accumulated over the years, and may or may not be of any value. Help!!
In the days since Friends were organized, some of the yearly minutes and other such things have been lost. The present set of officers has worked very hard to establish files and business procedures for the organization, as well as computerizing records, membership lists, job descriptions for Friends officers, and other necessary bookwork. It will be much easier for newer members to step into some of these jobs when present officers retire.
The raffle of an American Girl doll and a Chrome Notebook (no, not the loose leaf kind) continues. A limited number of tickets are available. Oct. 22 is the date of drawing.
Pick up a schedule of fall activities next time you are in the Library. Put them on your calendar now so you won’t miss anything. Story time for toddlers, Dog Days, Genealogy Society meetings, Freebie Third Friday, Friends meetings, Volunteer Day, holiday specials----all are at your Library.
Enjoy them.