This week in Wills Point History: Friday, Sept. 23, 1949
A victory was filed away by the Wills Point Tigers Friday night on the muddy field at Royce City, when the local lads played an entire game in the opposition end of the gridiron. The game was started in a drizzle of rain, which finally subsided, but left the field in a mass of black mud which continually gave the players trouble. The Tigers took the opening kickoff and marched to four first downs before finally losing the ball on the Royce City 17 yard line. Feature of this long drive was a 17 yard scamper by Buddy Norton which might have gone for a touchdown on a dry field. Final score was 6 to 0 in favor of the Tigers. (See newspaper for complete article.)
Rodeo promoter Jimmy Cross has announced that a show using local talent is being arranged for Thursday night, Sept. 29, to be held at the local arena at 8 o’clock. Mr. Cross has issued an invitation to anyone who desires to ride in the grand-entry, proceeding the show to do so. He stated to the press Thursday, that a good show is being worked out and that he felt sure local rodeo fans would enjoy the work of this local riding talent. Prices of admission will be 75 cents for adults and 25 cents for children.
Funeral services for John C. Wright were held Tuesday afternoon in Eubank Funeral Chapel. Interment was in White Rose Cemetery. John C. Wright was born April 8, 1873 in Mississippi. He passed away on Sept. 19, 1949. He came to Wills Point in 1894 and was married to Emma Blount Gatewood in 1898. Three children were born to this union. Two children, Jack and Irene preceded him in death. Mr. Wright was a successful grocer, until his health broke. He fed many needy families. Orphans and widows always had his deepest sympathy if they were in need. His son, Blount of Iowa, La., five grandchildren and five great grandchildren survive with one sister, Mrs. Sally Turner of Greenville. (See newspaper for names of pall bearers and out of town friends and relatives.)
Twenty-six Girl Scouts attended the Flying-up ceremony of Brownies Beverly Wingo and Joann Cawthon, into Intermediate Scouting last Wednesday, Sept. 14, in the Scout garden on the school lawn. Mrs. Mickey Robertson and Mrs. David Wingo directed the ceremony.(See newspaper for complete article.)
Little Alice Faye Neal, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Neal, sang over station WOHS, Shelby, N.C., on Sept. 3 in a contest “Tots for Talent.” She was named winner of the contest. There were seven contestants, Alice Faye being the youngest. She is four years old. An award of $5 in merchandise was given by a leading store in Lattimore, N.C., who sponsors the performance each Saturday. (See newspaper for picture.)
Sam Russell Post No. 303 of the American Legion elected new officers for the ensuing year last Friday night, in a meeting held at the Ritz Theatre. David Wingo was elected commander, K.C. Lybrand, Jr., vice-commander, Harry McLain, adjutant, Aubrey Ezell, historian, Melvin Hooks, chaplain, J.D. Clark; sergeant-at-arms, and R.E. Lee, service officer. Installation of the new officers will be held at the new American Legion Hut at their next regular meeting, Oct. 21. Construction of the Hut is progressing along nicely. The frame structure is completed and the roof is nearing completion.
Miss Marvonne Sides, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Sides, has been notified of her acceptance by station KBTV for appearance on their shows. She will be presented in classical and semi-classical numbers.(See newspaper for complete article.)
Commerce-Five Van Zandt county students are among the 410 freshman students entering East Texas State Teachers College here, this fall for the first time. Beginning freshmen from Van Zandt County are Melba Ruth Barber and Audra Mae Kinney, Edgewood; Emmett David Paul, Jr., Canton; Paul Ervin Shepard, Wills Point and Bobby Derrill Brisendine, Van.
Personals: Miss Becky Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Scott of the Board community, left Sunday for Denton, where she is a student at NTSC. Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Glaze are spending the week-end in Jackson, Miss., with the former’s mother and will attend a family reunion of the Glaze family.
Mrs. Fred M. Hollister received orders from army headquarters at Fort Sam Houston last week to join her husband, W. O. Hollister in Japan. She and their little daughter, Donna Sue expect to sail in November. W.O. Hollister is stationed at Camp Mower, Sacebo, (Kyushu) Japan.
Bennett Shepherd of Dallas, former resident of Cobb, has announced a homecoming will be held at the Cobb Baptist church Sunday Oct. 2. Odie Chitty will have charge of the singing. Mrs. Clayton Russell of Cobb will give the welcome address. Perry Watson of Stephensville will give the church history. All residents and former residents of the community are cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. John Sanders returned Wednesday night from a visit with relatives in Galveston and Dallas. In Dallas, the six children of Mr. and Mrs. Sanders gathered at the home of a daughter, Mrs. T.A. Hornbuckle on Wednesday night for a family reunion. This was the first gathering of the entire family in sixteen years.
Benny Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gabe Scott, will leave Sunday for Alex, Okla., where he has been employed to teach a veterans’ agriculture class.
Cradle Roll: Born at Baker Clinic, Mr. and Mrs. W.D. Covin are the parents of a daughter, Elizabeth Jannette, born Sept. 20. Mr. and Mrs. L.U. Castleberry, Jr. are the parents of a son Thomas Read, born Sept. 16.
A reunion of descendants of W.F. and Nancy Elizabeth Hargrove was held at Myrtle Springs Park Sept. 18. 77 children, grand-children, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren enjoyed a bountiful dinner spread under the trees.(See newspaper for names of those in attendance.)
These articles have been extracted from original copies of the Wills Point Chronicle and may be viewed on microfilm at the Van Zandt County Library of Genealogy and Local History, located in the courthouse annex in Canton.