Master gardeners to host rose program

The Free State Master Gardener Association (Van Zandt County) will host a rose program at 6 p.m. Sept. 10 at the Farm Bureau Building, 281 E. Hwy. 243, Canton.

Mark Chamblee of Chamblee’s Rose Nursery will be the guest speaker. His program will be titled “How to Grow Beautiful, Low-Maintenance Roses In Your Landscape.”

The program is free and open to the public and will show those in attendance “how to grow beautiful, low-maintenance roses in your landscape,” organizers said.

Registration begins at 5:30 p.m.

The Texas Master Gardener program is an educational volunteer program sponsored by the Texas AgriLife Extension Service of Texas A&M University.

The Van Zandt Country group – Free State Master Gardeners Association – was formed n 2013 and consists of more than 30 members. Working through the VZ County Extension Office, members participate in various community gardening projects and provide horticultural-related information to people in the community.

Pre-register by calling 903-567-4149.

Door prizes and refreshments will be provided.

For more information about becoming a Master Gardener or for information about the Master Gardener program, call President Pat Mullin at 903-520-8556 or County Extension Agent Tommy Phillips at 903-567-4149.


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