Hensarling covers local, nationwide topics at town hall meeting

Jeb Hensarling listening to a Van Zandt County resident after the meeting.

U.S. Congressman Jeb Hensarling (TX-05) held a town hall meeting Aug. 7 to update the citizens of Van Zandt County on his continued efforts to hold Washington accountable to the American people and to hear from them about the issues that are most concerning to them.


Hensarling discussed topics ranging from Obamacare, the Supreme Court, Planned Parenthood and the export and import fight. 


The meeting was opened by County Judge Don Kirkpatrick thanking the people for showing up and introducing Hensarling, “he’s a friend to Van Zandt County, East Texas and he serves us well in Washington.”




Hensarling started his speech by saying he tries to stay optimistic but, “the U.S. has a Supreme Court not worth any respect with the passing of Obamacare.”  Hensarling admitted that, “the left has been working on Obamacare before Obama was even born.”  He says they were patient and they were persistent and they never lost hope and grabbed ground whenever they could.  Hensarling said that he won’t lose hope thought to get the people the healthcare that is right for them.


Legalization of gay marriages

On the topic of the legalization of gay marriage Hensarling said he has read the constitution many times and never has he found the word marriage and yet somehow the Supreme Court has found the word marriage.  “Not only is it a tragedy to marriage it is a tragedy to what they are doing to our constitution,” Hensarling said. 



Hensarling spoke about Obama’s Iran deal and his concerns.  “There is probably no function of federal government greater than our national defense and security.  There are a number of obvious concessions laid out in the deal the Obama Administration made with Iran that are nothing short of disturbing.  Even if the Iranians follow the rules and adhere to all items in this deal, their nuclear program will only be slowed and not dismantled.  Without the ability to conduct inspections anywhere at any time, it will be impossible for the outside world to ensure the Iranians are really complying at all.  Furthermore, the very sanctions that brought the Iranians to the negotiating table should be removed if, and only if, the Iranians can affirmatively prove they are not cheating. In short, this agreement rewards the Iranians billions of relief without a guarantee of compliance. Perhaps the starkest example of this is the fact that Iran is celebrating while Israel is calling this a ‘historic mistake for the world.’ Based on everything I have seen and heard, I believe this agreement should be rejected by Congress.  I look forward to working with my colleagues when we return to DC to ensure the safety and security of Americans and our allies are not compromised by this deal.”


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