Local reception honors state officials

Courtesy photo

Chair of Van Zandt County Vision Judy Rowton presents gifts to State officials Sen. Bob Hall and Rep. Dan Flynn.

By Payton Weidman 

Staff Writer 


A reception was held June 30 at the Van Zandt Country Club by the Council of Van Zandt County Communities to honor state officials Sen. Bob Hall and Rep. Dan Flynn. 

The reception brought in many people from the county and allowed people to speak with the state officials.

The reception featured a video from this year’s Van Zandt County Day in Austin. The highlight was the Van Zandt County Choir singing in the Rotunda at the State Capitol. Many of the members of the choir and choir director John Bell were in attendance at the reception. 

Hall praised the choir for their job well done at the Capitol.

Flynn said the recently concluded legislative session was a productive one.  “It was the best legislative session I’ve personally enjoyed,” he said. Flynn said the session addressed state needs and that, overall, it was an “outstanding session.”

After being in Austin for six months, Flynn said he’s looking forward to “renewing friendships and representing the people” in his district which include Van Zandt, Hunt and Hopkins counties.


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