Grants to help farmers, ranchers available

Farmers and ranchers in the area who suffered damage from recent storms may be eligible for help from the State of Texas Agriculture Relief Fund.

The STAR Fund was created solely with monetary donations from private individuals and companies, including Farm Credit, Valero and McCoy’s Building Supply. STAR Fund money may be used to assist farmers and ranchers in rebuilding fences, restoring operations and paying for other agricultural disaster relief.

Other projects that may be eligible for funding include replacing feed, hay, barns and debris removal. 

Applications must be received by close of business 60 business days after the governor’s declaration of disaster for the county in which assistance is sought.  In Van Zandt and Hunt counties, that date is Aug. 21. 

 As natural disasters continue to impact Texas farmers and ranchers, the need for donations to the fund also continues.
 For more information, visit the website


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